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Annual Meeting Deadlines Approaching

Register today for the 2009 AANEM Annual Meeting in San Diego, California. Preregistration deadline is September 16th. Don't forget to make your room reservation at the Manchester Grand Hyatt. Hotel reservation deadline is September 8th.

NOTE: Due to high registration volume, the AANEM website is experiencing intermittent technical difficulties. If you have troubles with login, registration, or other problems, please email with your name and request. We apologize for the inconvenience. Thank you for your patience.

Education Delivered Directly to You

Have your ever wanted to listen to the podcasts in your car? We've done the download for you! Now you can purchase the "Needle Electromyography" podcast series in a convenient 3 CD-ROM package. Each CD contains an entire podcast with separate tracks to make it easier to find the section you want to repeat.

Learn the appropriate, justifiable level of coding for EDX services. Purchase the recorded teleconference, Coding & Billing for the Electrodiagnostic Practice. This teleconference includes an updated handout and changes to coding for the EDX physician.

EMG Series Now Available on DVD

Learn good sensory nerve conduction study techniques to give reliable and reproducible results with the EMG Educational Series, Sensory Nerve Conduction: Clinical Studies and Signals (volume 3). Members pay only $325 (a $39 savings). More great educational CD-ROMs and DVD-ROMS available online!

Coding News: Report Preconfigured Testing with 95999

Nerve conduction testing performed with pre-configured arrays, i.e., NC-stat®, are to be reported using 95999 according to the AMA's  CPT Assistant (December 2008). AANEM members are encouraged to educate their referral sources or other physicians in your community that utilize NCS testing using preconfigured electrode arrays about this new change.

Cast Your AMA Specialty Society Representation Ballot for the AANEM

If you are a member of the American Medical Association (AMA), you are eligible to vote for the AANEM as the national medical specialty society that best represents you in the AMA House of Delegates (HOD). Every physician member is allowed one vote, and for every 1,000 votes received, the AANEM receives one additional delegate in the AMA HOD.

Electrodiagnostic Laboratory Accreditation Program to Launch Soon

Will you be ready for Electrodiagnostic Laboratory Accreditation?  Read the brief overview of the information and documents required for the application process and start preparing now. Watch this website, AANEM News, and AANEM E-News for more information as it is released.

AANEM – The best resource for
    EMG Education,
    Nerve Conduction Education, and
    Neuromuscular Education


AANEM Join Today!


AANEM Annual Meeting

October 7-10, 2009

Manchester Grand Hyatt

San Diego, California

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AANEM Foundation

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EDX Laboratory Accreditation Information

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Purchase 2009 Neuromuscular SAE

Buy 2009 EDXSAE (formerly TPSAE)

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