Integrated Recovery Guide

Our top priority as your Senators and Representatives is to help get our economy back on track. That is why we worked to improve and pass the American Integrated Stimulus Guide-Image2Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, a historic $787 billion economic recovery package that will invest over $1.6 billion in New Mexico.  For our state, this funding could not come at a more critical moment. Unemployment is rising. Home prices are declining. New Mexico communities, struggling to maintain critical jobs and services, are faced with nearly $575 million in state revenue shortfalls this year alone.  Funding from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act is intended to help reduce the length and severity of this recession for New Mexico families.

This landmark legislation is intended to save or create approximately 22,000 jobs in New Mexico. Our state will receive $1.1 billion through formula grants – funds that will flow on a formula basis from federal agencies to state agencies. It will also receive an additional $638 million in funding through Medicaid that can be used to expand and improve health care, as well as for other needs the state has identified. New Mexico will have an opportunity to apply directly to the federal government for additional grants, including funding for border law enforcement agencies.   Finally, over 684,000 working families in New Mexico will be receiving immediate tax relief through the Make Work Pay tax credit.

It is imperative that our families, businesses and municipalities have the information they need to access these funds as quickly as possible. To assist in this effort, and to provide information about the programs and funding opportunities available to individuals, communities and businesses in New Mexico, we have assembled this resource guide to the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act.

We hope you'll find this information useful. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to call Kristine Dietz in the New Mexico Delegation Office at (202) 224-3330 or email at Kristine_ We also encourage you to visit for more information. The road toward economic recovery will be challenging, but by working together we are confident that a stronger, more prosperous New Mexico lies ahead.

Jeff Bingaman
Tom Udall
Martin Heinrich
Harry Teague
Ben Ray Lujan

View the original letter signed by all Members of the New Mexico delegation.

Integrated Stimulus Guide-Letter