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Venera 11 Descent Craft

NSSDC ID: 1978-084D


The Venera 11 descent craft carried instruments designed to study the detailed chemical composition of the atmosphere, the nature of the clouds, and the thermal balance of the atmosphere. Separating from its flight platform on December 23, 1978 it entered the Venus atmosphere two days later at 11.2 km/sec. During the descent, it employed aerodynamic braking followed by parachute braking and ending with atmospheric braking. It made a soft landing on the surface at 06:24 Moscow time on 25 December after a descent time of approximately 1 hour. The touchdown speed was 7-8 m/s. Information was transmitted to the flight platform for retransmittal to earth until it moved out of range 95 minutes after touchdown.

It is unknown whether the Lander Probe carried an imaging system. No mention of it occurs in the Soviet literature examined by the author. Two other experiments on the Lander did fail, and their failure was acknowledged by the Soviets. Some U.S. literature on the subject notes that the imaging system "failed" but did return some data. Among the instruments on board was a gas chromatograph to measure the composition of the Venus atmosphere, instruments to study scattered solar radiation and soil composition, and a device named Groza which was designed to measure amospheric electrical discharges. Results reported included evidence of lightning and thunder, a high Ar36/Ar40 ratio, and the discovery of carbon monoxide at low altitudes.

More information on the Venera 11 flight platform is available at:

Alternate Names

  • Venera 11 Lander

Facts in Brief

Launch Date: 1978-09-09
Launch Vehicle: Proton Booster Plus Upper Stage and Escape Stages
Launch Site: Tyuratam (Baikonur Cosmodrome), U.S.S.R

Funding Agency

  • Soviet Academy of Sciences (U.S.S.R)


  • Planetary Science

Additional Information

Experiments on Venera 11 Descent Craft

Data collections from Venera 11 Descent Craft

Questions or comments about this spacecraft can be directed to: Dr. David R. Williams.



Name Role Original Affiliation E-mail
Dr. V. G. Kurt Project Scientist Institut Kosmicheskich Issledovaniya (Institute of Space Research)  
Mr. Artem Ivankov General Contact Lavochkin Association

Selected References

Johnson, N. L., Handbook of soviet lunar and planetary exploration - volume 47 science and technology series, Amer. Astronau. Soc. Publ., 1979.

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