CICLOPS: Cassini Imaging Central Laboratory for OPerationS

Roche Division Shadow Caster

Captain's Log

May 7, 2009

After a long several-year wait of acute anticipation and much fanfare, the new J.J. Abrams' film `Star Trek' is finally opening nationwide on Friday, May 8.

The characters in this film and the universe they inhabit are, of course, familiar. But this re-booted rendition of the beloved Star Trek saga, crafted with cutting-edge computer graphics and modern production values, begins at the beginning, deep in the past and rooted in the scripture of the iconic 1960's TV series. This story finds our friends long before they find each other, and follows them through intersecting lifelines and events straight out of Star Trek mythology, onto the maiden voyage of the USS Enterprise where their friendships are forged in a battle of spectacle and fury -- you guessed it -- to rid the Universe of evil.

It is here that the utopian vision of Gene Roddenberry meets the cinematic magic of George Lucas.

And don't be surprised to find a scene or two in this film informed by the dazzling Saturnian sights we have come to know so well. This is one movie Cassini fans won't want to miss!

Should you be so inclined, do drop by this website again after seeing the film and let us know what you think of it by posting your comments here. We're eager to hear what you have say.

And dare we say it ... Live Long and Prosper.

Carolyn Porco
Cassini Imaging Team Leader
'Star Trek' Science Consultant
Boulder, CO

Captain's Log:  Celebrating Galileo
April 2, 2009
In a global re-enactment of humankind's first magnified look at the heavens 400 years ago, hundreds of thousands of telescopes across the Earth will turn this Saturday night, April 4, in unison to the night sky to gaze at the Moon and a gleaming planet Saturn.
Captain's Log:  The Dance of the Moon Shadows
March 23, 2009
We are almost there. Saturn and we, its companions, have journeyed together now for nearly five years, in a circumnavigation of the outer solar system.
Captain's Log:  A Year of Splendor
December 31, 2008
Today we conclude another year in our excursion through the Saturnian environment ... a year that brought Cassini's prime mission to successful completion and saw the start of its 2-year `Equinox' mission around the ringed planet.
Captain's Log:  Cassini Skeet Shoots Enceladus Again
November 1, 2008
Greetings to all you fellow travelers! We on Cassini are very happy to report that we've just successfully put behind us one more major milestone in this remarkable adventure: a very close flyby of the icy moon Enceladus.
Captain's Log:  Mission Accomplished!
June 30, 2008
In late 1990, a collection of hundreds of scientists and as many engineers across the US and Europe were assembled together and given the charge to undertake a far-sighted interplanetary expedition of enormous scope and reach.
Captain's Log:  Diving Over Enceladus
March 26, 2008
Our run of daring tactical maneuvers over the surface of Enceladus to uncover as much as we can about this strange beast began two weeks ago, and today we learn what came of that encounter.
Captain's Log:  Holiday Greetings 2007
December 24, 2007
So another year around Saturn is coming to a close, and by anyone's measure it has been a momentous time of adventure and revelation.
Captain's Log:  Cassini's Diamond Anniversary
October 15, 2007
Ten years ago today, like a great mythological bird rising in brilliant magnificence from its funeral pyre, a mighty Titan IV rocket, equipped to scale the gravity binding it and its precious cargo to Earth, leapt with a deafening roar from Cape Canaveral's Launch Pad 40 on a pillar of orange flames, veered gracefully towards the east, and quickly receded into the black of night.

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