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UARS CLAES Data Pool Products

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The UARS CLAES data are organized into data products by processing level. Each link in the "Data Product" column below takes you to a page listing the geophysical parameters available for that data product.

Data Product Description Begin Date End Date Number of Items Average Item Size (kB)
3AL Daily latitude and time ordered collection of data records at 4 degree latitude intervals, gridded to the UARS pressure array. Each measured parameter is stored in a separate data file. 1991-10-25 00:01:50 1993-05-05 17:33:24 8691 132
3AT Daily time ordered collection of data records at 65.536 second intervals, gridded to the UARS pressure array. Each measured parameter is stored in a separate data file. 1991-10-25 00:00:45 1993-05-05 17:33:24 8691 193

Additional Resources

For more information on these data products, please see the CLAES Level 3A Data Set Guide.

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