Art & History

The Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994

August 21, 1994

On this date, the House of Representatives passed the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994, H.R. 3355 by a vote of 235 to 195.  The rare Sunday session  of the House occurred during an unusual summer without the customary congressional district work period.  Designed to amend the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968, H.R. 3355 provided grants to increase police presence, to expand and improve cooperative efforts between law enforcement agencies and local communities, and to address crime and disorder problems.  It also contained controversial gun control amendments.  Judiciary Committee Chairman Jack Brooks of Texas introduced the legislation on October 26, 1993, and it was debated rigorously leading up to the midterm elections.  Upon the final vote, Representative Ronald Machtley of Rhode Island stated, “Mr. Speaker, 6 days shall we labor and do all of our work, but on the seventh day let us do the work of the people in this country. Let us on this day gladly work together to pass a crime bill.”

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Office of History and Preservation, Office of the Clerk,, (August 25, 2009).

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Elected to 21 terms in the House, Representative Jack Brooks of Texas chaired three committees and served as an impeachment manager during two judicial impeachment hearings. Oil on canvas, Jason Bouldin, 1997, Collection of U.S. House of Representatives

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House Legislation
Have students search the highlight dates and locate reference to any legislative document (bill, resolution, speech, etc.). Ask students to track down the document at a local depository library. Students should research the historical background of the document and make a brief presentation which includes reading all or portions of the document aloud. To locate a nearby federal depository library go to

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