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Assessment Strategies and Reading Profiles

Match an ASRP Profile


Video of Matching Profiles

View Testing of Four Reading Subskills:

  • Diagnostic testing can inform the learner as well as the teacher.
  • Diagnostic testing can be a very positive and supportive experience for the adult learner.

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This is the introduction to the interactive section of the Web site where you can match your learner's reading profile to one of eleven research-based profiles that were developed from the ARCS.RR

What you will need to make a match

You must have five scores for your learner in order to make a match:

  • Word Recognition - as a Grade Equivalent (GE)
  • Spelling - as a GE
  • Word Meaning - as a GE
  • Silent Reading Comprehension - as a GE
  • Oral Reading Rate - as Words per Minute (wpm)

These components were chosen because they are major determinants of reading ability and because tests for them are usually available. Here are some tips on how to get these scores for your learners if you don't already have them:

  • Word Recognition: You can download a Word Recognition test from the Resources section on this site. Learn more about this free Word Recognition Test, a subtest of the Quick Adult Reading Inventory (QARI). If your program uses other tests for placement, such as the Slosson Oral Reading Test (SORT) or the Wide Range Achievement Test (WRAT), you can use their Word Recognition grade levels. Or, see three references to the San Diego Quick Assessment List, which you can also use.
  • Spelling: If your program uses the TABE, you can give its Spelling subtest. You can also use the Spelling subtest of either the WRAT or the Woodcock-Johnson battery. If none of these is an option, you can check with your local K-12 schools for lists from their spelling programs. If you cannot find graded spelling lists, you can test your learner on a few words from the Word Recognition list you used. There are very few learners who spell at or above their Word Recognition level, so start with words at their Word Recognition GE or one or two GE levels below. Proceed up or down the Word Recognition list until they can correctly spell at least three words on a list. The GE you decide to enter will be an approximation of the learner's Spelling mastery.
  • Word Meaning: We have developed a Word Meaning test and put it on this Web site for you to download and use. Learn more about this free Word Meaning Test.
  • Silent Reading Comprehension: Your program should already have a Silent Reading Comprehension test score for each learner.
  • Oral Reading Rate: See how to calculate your learner's oral reading rate.

Which tests were used to create the research-based profiles?

Please note that the 11 research-based profiles were developed based on scores from the Diagnostic Assessments of Reading (DAR), which is constructed around graded passages or word lists for each required component.

Above there are some tips on how to get test scores for your learners, but you can use any tests that give you the required scores in GEs. Keep in mind, however, that the more your tests are like the tests used by ASRP, the better the match will be. Here are brief descriptions of the DAR subtests so you can see if the tests you use are similar.

  • The DAR Silent Reading Comprehension subtest is a multiple choice test with a generous time limit.
  • The DAR Word Meaning subtest is an oral vocabulary test. Examiners read a word aloud and the learner tells what that word means. The learner is not required to read in order to give meanings.
  • The DAR Word Recognition subtest requires learners to read aloud from graded lists of 10 words each.
  • For the DAR Spelling subtest, learners write a word dictated by the examiner.
  • To determine oral reading rate, learners are timed as they re-read aloud a passage at their independent reading grade level.

Make a match!

 If you have the five required scores for your learner, make a match!

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Last updated: Thursday, 23-Jul-2009 11:49:11 EDT