
Welcome to the American Association on Health and Disability (AAHD) website. Our mission is to support health promotion and wellness initiatives for people with disabilities. We hope you enjoy your visit to our site! If you would like additional information about AAHD, please email contact@aahd.us.

Disability In The News

AAHD encourages all visitors to our site to monitor current reports from CDC on H1N1 and play an active role in ensuring people with disabilities are involved in preparation, response and recovery efforts in your community. www.cdc.gov/h1n1flu/

President Obama (July 24, 2009) signs Proclamation on U.N. Convention on Rights of Persons with Disabilities www.whitehouse.gov

Secretary’s Advisory Committee on on National Health Promotion and Disease Prevention on National Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Objectives for Healthy People 2020 having Internet meeting on August 14, 2009 www.healthypeople.gov

National Council on Disability (NCD) seeking input on issues affecting lives of people with disabilities. (July 29, 2009) To provide input visit www.ncd.gov/newsroom

Please visit the Trust for America, a specially dedicated website for wellness and prevention health reform. The site has links to copies of House and Senate bills and corresponding summaries, letters of support, background papers, talking points and much more on healthcare reform. Visit www.healthyamericans.org/health-reform

June 22, 2009 HHS Announces Initiatives in Support of the “Year of Community Living”. Visit www.disabilityinfo.gov

June 22, 2009 HHS Coordinating Council formed to address “Year of Community Living” Initiative - HHS Office on Disability to lead efforts. Visit http://www.disabilityinfo.gov

New Release: Disabilities and Public, Health, Edited by charles E. Drum, Gloria L. Krahn and Hank Bersani For more information, visit www.apha.org.

Paralysis Population Survey Shows Over 1 million more paralyzed Paralysis Population Survey Shows Over 1million more paralyzed than previously estimated’5 times more people than previously estimated’5 times more people live with spinal cord injury www.christopherreeve.org

Visit Disability.gov to read about the latest on-line federal government resources and disability related information for people with disabilities www.disability.gov