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ANNOUNCEMENT: Call volume currently exceeds our capacity to return phone calls in a timely manner. The current response time to a call or email is approximately one month. As a result, we are in the process of establishing a volunteer phone bank in order to meet to this growing demand, but training our new volunteers will take a few months. We apologize for the inconvenience that our organizational growth poses for you. Consider making a donation to help support our growth. The economy is bad and donations are down. We could use the help.

Please read the FAQ for details about how to train your own PSD. For those who are looking for a PSD trainer, you don't need one. Just follow the advice in our FAQ. You can do this with a regular dog trainer so long as you join our online communities and utilize it for your source of service dog expertise. Entry to the online community requires a phone call, and the current wait is one month. Thanks for your patience.

Brochures Available consumer brochure provider brochure
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The Psychiatric Service Dog Society (PSDS) is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization dedicated to responsible Psychiatric Service Dog (PSD) education, advocacy, research and training facilitation. We provide essential information for persons disabled by severe mental illness, who wish to train a service dog to assist with the management of symptoms. We consult regularly with mental healthcare providers in their efforts to learn more about PSD. We also host an online community of service dog handlers veteran and new. Please note: we do not provide or train dogs for individuals. We are an educational and capacity-building organization dedicated to responsible Psychiatric Service Dog community stewardship. Please visit our website again, as it is under development. Learn more about PSDS....

PSDS Address:
Psychiatric Service Dog Society
P.O. Box 754
Arlington, VA 22216

Phone: (571) 216-1589

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Canine Companions Banner
Canine Companions Logo
PSDS is pleased to announce the launch of Support Partners: Canine Companions, co-sponsored by Eli Lilly and Company and PSDS. Often, people with depression build a support network of family, friends and their doctor as part of their first steps towards recovery. Now, Canine Companions can show them how to expand their support team to include an unexpected, but important companion - their dog. The Support Partners: Canine Companions program is the newest component to Support Partners, which encourages a support-team approach to overcoming depression.

DBSA logoPodcast Link

Recorded podcast session featuring PSDS founder Joan Esnayra.
Click on the banner above to be directed to the podcast session.

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© 2008 Psychiatric Service Dog Society
Disclaimer: Material on this website is provided for educational purposes only.
Consult your own physician regarding the applicability of any opinions or recommendations with
respect to your symptoms or medical condition.