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Fish Health and Reproductive Studies at Lake Erie Areas of Concern

This is a research project whose primary objective is to assess the health of selected fish species (brown bullhead and largemouth bass) and compare these findings with historic information on fish health in the individual rivers and with concurrent samples collected at reference sites. A secondary objective is to compare and correlate the fish More...

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Water Use in Florida, 2005 and Trends 1950-2005

Water is among Florida's most valued resources. The State has more than 1,700 streams and rivers, 7,800 freshwater lakes, 700 springs, 11 million acres of wetlands, and underlying aquifers yielding quantities of freshwater necessary for both human and environmental needs (Fernald and Purdum, 1998). Although renewable, these water resources are More...

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Relations between and among contaminant concentrations and biomarkers in black bass (Micropterus spp.) and common carp (Cyprinus carpio) from large U.S. rivers, 1995-2004

Environmental contaminant and biomarker monitoring data from major U.S. river basins were summarized for black bass (Micropterus spp.) and common carp (Cyprinus carpio) sampled over a nine year period. Cumulative frequency distributions revealed taxon differences for many organochlorine residue concentrations, elemental contaminant concentrations, More...

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Biomonitoring of Environmental Status and Trends (BEST) Program: Environmental Contaminants, Health Indicators, and Reproductive Biomarkers in Fish from the Colorado River Basin

This report documents the spatial trends in the concentrations of accumulative contaminants and assesses the contaminant effects on the fish from the Colorado River Basin.

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Persistence of organochlorine chemical residues in fish from the Tombigbee River (Alabama, USA): Continuing risk to wildlife from a former DDT manufacturing facility

Organochlorine pesticide and total polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) concentrations were measured in largemouth bass from the Tombigbee River near a former DDT manufacturing facility at McIntosh, Alabama. Concentrations of DDT isomers in McIntosh bass remained unchanged from 1974 to 2004 and were four times greater than contemporary concentrations More...

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Development of Methods to Determine the Reproductive Status of Pallid Sturgeon in the Missouri River

Atlantic salmon in seven rivers in Maine have been classified as endangered species. In 1999, only 32 adults are known to have returned to spawn in these rivers. Previous research has shown that smolts in one of these rivers (Narraguagus) have abnormally low gill Na/K-ATPase activity and did not survive salt challenge tests, demonstrating that More...

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Contaminant Biology Program: Databases

This web page lists databases related to contaminant research across government agencies and partnerships. Many of the links include access to documented trends in the occurrence of persistent toxic chemicals that may threaten fish and wildlife resources, summaries of the results from aquatic acute toxicity tests, Avian Incident Monitoring, More...

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Community Structure and Adaptive Strategies of Fungi in Geothermal Soils

There are approximately 500,000 abandoned mines in the western US. Collectively, these mines pollute rivers, streams, and western reservoirs with millions of tons of metals annually that degrade aquatic habitat and water used by humans for drinking, recreation, and irrigation. However, there is great potential in decreasing or eliminating the flow More...

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