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U.S. Bankruptcy Court Chief Judge Emeritus A. Jay Cristol
June 11, 2008

U.S. Bankruptcy Court Chief Judge Emeritus A. Jay Cristol
MIAMI – The Honorable A. Jay Cristol: U.S. federal bankruptcy judge, naval aviator, attorney, author, and Open World host. A Renaissance man of the old school, Miami-based Judge Cristol has, according to Annette Alvarez, executive director of the Miami Council for International Visitors (MCIV), “accomplished in one lifetime what most people would need nine lives to do and he does it all with good humor and a genuine respect for and interest in his fellow man.” During a November 2007 rule of law exchange for Ukrainian judges he co-hosted with MCIV and the Academy for Educational Development, Judge Cristol was available to the program around the clock. He arranged every judicial appointment and courtroom visit and personally hosted the delegation at a Federal Bar Association luncheon. Alvarez reports that Judge Cristol’s work on the visit made a lasting impression on the Ukrainian judges. Judge Cristol in turn was impressed by the talent and professionalism of his Open World guests. Judge Cristol has been very involved with Russian rule of law groups, as well. In his words, “Open World has enabled me, and many other U.S. judges, to exchange ideas and procedures and develop friendships and understanding with our counterparts from Russia and Ukraine. My return visits to my Russian Open World delegates in Moscow, Petrozavodsk, and St. Petersburg have been enriching experiences, and I look forward to accepting my Ukrainian delegates’ invitation to visit them.”

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