Subjects of Health and Safety
Services delivered by public health programs
Public Health data, statistics and reports
Online services and eGovernment initiatives

ER Education
Learn more about when you should go to the ER.
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H1N1 Flu
Click here for information on the H1N1 Flu outbreak.
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Use Only As Directed Logo
A new UDOH program is preventing Rx drug overdose deaths.
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Utah Health News headline
Working 4 Utah

Exercise Will Test State’s Pandemic Triage Guidelines
Guidelines part of effort to ensure statewide preparedness for a potential H1N1 pandemic.
Traveler Brings Measles to Utah
Unimmunized patient spent time in Utah before becoming ill.
New Hospital Ratings Available on UDOH Web Site
Patient satisfaction higher than national average for most measures.
A Wet, Wild, and Worry-free Summer
UDOH urges Utahns to be safe this holiday weekend.
CDC and Health Department Launch Environmental Health Tool
Environmental Public Health Tracking Network will protect our citizens health.
Utah's H1N1 Outbreak Shows Signs of Slowing
Public health officials anticipate illness will increase this fall.
New Utah Waterways and Species Added to Utah Mercury Fish Consumption Advisory List
Two new locations and one new fish species at an existing advisory location have been added to Utahs Mercury Fish Consumption Advisory list.
Prepare for the Upcoming West Nile Virus Season
Water in your backyard Drain it, Replace it or Dunk it.
UDOH Update on H1N1 Outbreak
The Utah Department of Health is today reporting 210 Utahns have been hospitalized due to illnesses associated with the novel H1N1 influenza virus and 10 have died (an increase of two since last week).
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