NASA: National Aeronautics and Space Administration

  1. Content with the tag: “nai montana team

  2. Enzyme's Active Site Revealed

    A new study from NAI’s Montana State University Team appears in the current issue of the Journal of the American Chemical Society. The study probes the hydrogenase enzyme, a large, complex enzyme which plays a major role in anaerobic metabolism by creating molecular hydrogen. The research team produced a crystal structure of the enzyme to unprecedented resolution, revealing a new level of detail in the enzyme’s active site, and providing clues about it’s evolution. These results further our understanding of the transition from the abiotic (non-living) world to the biological world which may have been...

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  3. NAI Expands to Include Four New Teams

    The NASA Astrobiology Institute is pleased to announce the selections of four new research teams: the University of Wisconsin, California Institute of Technology, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and the Montana State University. These new teams join the twelve others selected to be part of the Institute in 2003. Welcome to the NAI!

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