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CC Program Eligibility Guidelines
CC Fact Sheet
CC Guidance

Compliance-related cleanup (CC) refers to the cleanup of contamination resulting from operations that have occurred since October 1986 (i.e., non-Defense Environmental Restoration Program (DERP)) at Army active (including Reserve), excess, and special installations, as well as remediation at Army overseas installations and cleanup at federally-owned as well as non-federally owned, federally-supported Army National Guard (ARNG) sites. As a key element of the broader Army Environmental Cleanup Strategy and its associated environmental Cleanup Strategic Plan, the principal goal of CC at Army installations is to perform appropriate, cost-effective cleanup to protect human health, safety, and the environment, and to sustain operational readiness and training. CC Fact Sheet The Army's goal is to remediate contamination that resulted from past or current Army operations, presents imminent and substantial endangerment of human health and environment, and is located on or originates from an Army facility.

As a decentralized program, responsibility for CC is spread among several program managers with ultimate oversight accomplished by the Assistant Chief of Staff for Installation Management (ACSIM), Installation Services Directorate, Environmental Division level. The Installation Management Command is responsible for overseeing the CC program for Active installations (including overseas) and the Reserves. The National Guard Bureau provides oversight for the federally-owned and non-federally owned, federally support facilities under their command. Oversight for the active installations that have been declared excess to the Army's needs is provided by the Base Realignment and Closure Division of the ACSIM. Commands with a specific dedicated mission, e.g., Army Materiel Command (industrial), Medical Command (healthcare) and the Strategic Missile Defense Command have responsibility for oversight of the CC program for their installations.

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