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Research - Intramural

ORI has conducted an intramural research program since 1993. The intramural program is focused on research misconduct, the prevention of research misconduct, and the institutional implementation of the research misconduct regulation. Intramural research is conducted by ORI staff, contractors, and researchers interested in analyzing data available in ORI.

Studies conducted in the intramural research program have addressed whistleblowers, respondents, institutional policies for responding to allegations of research misconduct, medical school guidelines for the responsible conduct of research, anonymous allegations, inquiry reports, instructions to authors published by journals, authorship, research integrity measures utilized in biomedical research laboratories, and closed investigations.

For more information on the intramural program contact Sandra L. Titus, Ph.D., Intramural Research Director, by email at stitus@osophs.dhhs.gov or by phone at 240-453-8400.

This page last was updated on November 30, 2005
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