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Funding Opportunities for Partnerships

Funding from the National Network of Libraries of Medicine (NN/LM) for community based health information programs.

The National Library of Medicine, through the NN/LM, funds a variety of outreach projects, especially those that engage multiple community partnerships in addressing the health information needs of the public. These projects typically involve multi type library and community partnership with the goal of improving access to health information through a variety of mechanisms.

The NN/LM consists of eight regions and each region, from time to time, solicits proposals for projects they would like to fund. The NN/LM is especially interested in funding projects that target rural, inner city, minority and underserved populations, and also senior citizens and low literacy populations. They type of awards and the amount of funds vary from region to region. The NN/LM funding web site also contains information on such announcements.

Summary of types of awards available from the NN/LM

Below is a list of some of the different kinds of awards made by the NN/LM each year. The amount of funding varies according to the type of project.

Exhibit Awards - funding for costs associated with exhibiting for local groups such as public library associations or community organizations serving consumers, or at state and local health association meetings.

Health Information For The Public Outreach - to assist public librarians and health sciences librarians in the region in providing information services and training to groups that do not have ready access to health information.

Technology Awareness Program Award - funding for costs associated with developing regional showcases or technology forums focused on the use of information technology to improve biomedical information.

Electronic Document Delivery (EDD) for DOCLINE Libraries Awards - funding for EDD service implementation or improvement.

Library/Technology Improvement Awards - funding for the purchase, installation and/or upgrading of information technologies that enhance access to health information within hospitals.

National Network of Libraries of Medicine (NN/LM) regional web sites for funding information

Additional information on the above awards can be found at the following web sites or by calling 1-800-338-7657:

Other Funding Sources

In addition to funding from the NN/LM, other divisions of NLM, including the Specialized Information Services and the Division of Extramural programs make funds available for consumer health projects. Many other federal agencies and private organizations also provide several different types of funds for libraries to conduct outreach activities. A partial list of these sources is provided below.

National Library of Medicine

Other Funding Organizations

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