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Consumer Health Materials in Spanish

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There are many agencies, organizations, associations, book and video distributors that are now providing bilingual information. The following list is a sampling of resources to utilize when looking for Spanish language consumer health information. This list contains resources originating from the United States, as the medical standard of care is different from country to country. This list is to be used as a guide in providing information, and is by no means inclusive of all Spanish consumer health information available.


Associations, Foundations, Organizations, Other

American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (AACAP) - en español
The AACAP developed Facts for Families to provide concise and up-to-date information on psychological issues that affect children, teenagers, and their families.

American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons - en español
A page of links to information on various orthopedic health topics such as joints and feet.

American Cancer Society Información En Español
Information, guides, statistics, brochures, and more on cancer.

American Diabetes Association - en español
Information on different types of diabetes, Latino iniciatives on diabetes, and health insurance information for people with diabetes.

American Heart Association - en español
Contains a multi-paged website with information on heart health, conditions, treatments, procedures, and more.

Centers for Disease Control (CDC), National Prevention Information Network - en español
Information and resources on HIV (VIH), STDs (ETS), and TB prevention including hard copies available to order for free.

Epilepsy Foundation of America - en español
The top half of this page has links to information on epilepsy such as diagnosis, effects, immunizations, medications, trauma, and more.

Hablamos Juntos (We Speak Together)
Hablamos Juntos will develop affordable models for health care organization to offer language services by funding ten demonstration sites in regions with new and fast-growing Latino populations.

La Leche League International - en español
The Leche League is an international non-profit organization that is dedicated to promoting breast feeding. They offer support, information, and education about breast feeding.

Medical Library Association Los términos de Medspeak
A glossary of medical terms in Spanish with Spanish definitions and English translation of the word only.

The Merck Manual of Medical Information -- Home Edition en Español

National Alliance for Hispanic Health - en español
Using a mixture of Spanish and English, this website provides information on Hispanic health issues with resources, political action, and community health information.

National Multiple Sclerosis Society Información En Español
Provides information on multiple sclerosis including overviews, diagnosis, medications, coping with the disease, information for employers and employees, exercises, and more.

National Parkinson Foundation - en español
Order free books on Parkinson Disease from this page.

New Mexico AIDS Infonet - en español
Offers extensive fact sheets on HIV/AIDS including testing, preventing, medications, alternative therapies, and more.

Outbreak at Watersedge: A Public Health Discovery Game
From the University of Minnesota , this interactive game, available in English or Spanish, will introduce you to the world of public health as you help discover the source of the outbreak that has hit the small community of Watersedge and stop it before more residents get sick. This resource provides a fun and challenging way to introduce students to the field of public health.

Planned Parenthood Federation of America En Español
Provides information on family planning, sexual health, reproduction, STD's, and more.

REPROLINE - Reproductive Health Online En Español
Information on family planning, prenatal care, cervical cancer, and other related reproductive health topics.


Government Agencies and Resources

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Agency for Health Care Policy and Research/Clinical Guidelines en Español

Provides a variety of basic health information publications. - en español
Basic cancer information as well as information on a few specific types of cancer such as breast, prostate, lung, and colon cancer.

Center for Mental Health Services Knowledge Exchange Network (KEN) en Español
Downloadable brochures on mental health in Spanish.

Centers for Disease Control en Español
Up to date public health information on the latest issues and traditional public health topics.

Food and Drug Administration Publications - en español
Publications available to order and some in PDF format to download on health topics related to food and drugs.

Food and Drug Administration Easy to Read Publications - en español
A listing of low literacy information in formats of PDF, HTML, and brochure style about food and drug health topics.

healthfinder en español
A general health information website with over 100 health topics.

Medicare en español
Provides information to use when choosing a Medicare plan.

MedlinePlus en español
From the National Library of Medicine, similar to the English version of this website, this site offers over 650 health topics, drug information, current health news, interactive tutorials with audio, and a medical encyclopedia. You can toggle between the English and Spanish versions and still be on the same topic.

Spanish-language version of, an online guide to making healthful food choices.

Multicultural Health Communication Service (MHCS) - en español
Many PDF files with health information arranged by category and available in multiple languages.

National Cancer Institute - en español
This site offers information on specific types of cancer for patients and health professionals including treatment, support, medication, and more.

National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute Latino Cardiovascular Health Resources
This site features bilingual booklets on heart health, a bilingual cookbook, and a comic book available for free download in PDF format and for purchase in hard copy format. The site is in English and materials are in Spanish or bilingual in Spanish/English.

National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases en Español

Information for consumers on diabetes, weight control, and kidney related diseases.

National Institutes of Health (NIH), Consumer Health Information - en español
Health information from NIH including news, clinical trials, articles, and more.

National Institute of Mental Health - en español
Provides a small number of mental health publications in Spanish.

National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke - en español
A list of publications on neurological disorders and stroke available online or to order in print.

National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism Publications - en español
FAQs on Alcoholism.

National Women's Health Information Center Recursos en Español
Health information for Spanish speaking women including topics such as pregnancy, breast feeding, domestic violence, HIV/AIDS, and more.

Office of Minority Health Resource Center - en español
An initative from the Office of Minority Health on eliminating health disparities for Spanish speakers and a page on what it takes to be a doctor.

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency - en español
Environmental health information available in PDF format or HTML on a variety of topics such as asthma, radon, mold, tobacco, and more.


State, Local, Regional Resources

Access to Electronic Spanish-Language Patient Education Materials: A Utah Community Project - Directorio de recursos / Resources Directory
Searchable health information available in PDF format on topics such as cancer, diabetes, heart health, vaccines, nutrition, and more.

Denver Public Library
This in Spanish site, has general and local information for Spanish speakers in the Denver, CO area.

New York Online Access to Health (NOAH)
This bilingual English/Spanish website offers health information on a large number of topics which can be searched by body area, disease category, conditions or health issues.

Palm Beach County Library System Community Health Information Service en español
General health information links and local information available on this site.

University of Maryland Baltimore, Health Sciences and Human Services Library
Recursos de salud en español en el Internet
This site has links to Spanish health information divided by topic. All descriptions are in Spanish.

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Update Author:

Becky Hebert, former Community Outreach Coordinator, National Network of Libraries of Medicine Southeastern/ Atlantic Region, Baltimore, MD

Original Authors:

Lorna Springston, Director, Library Services, Ball Memorial Hospital, Muncie, IN

Marsha Sullivan, former Consumer Health Librarian, Houston Academy of Medicine-Texas Medical Center Library, Houston, TX