Welcome to Our New Website

Posted on August 18th, 2009 at 4:11pm under Updates

WELCOME to our new,streamlined,up-to-date website; reformulated to guide you through comprehensive dystonia symptoms, effects, treatments, botulinum toxin, surgical interventions, prose, books about dystonia, awareness tools,media attention and much more.Feel free to send us suggestions,ideas and feedback.We welcome all your comments.


Nursing with a movement disorder.

Dystonia Hits the Front Pages Again.

New Book available The Dystonia Patient by Dr. Michel Okun, MD at www.demospub.com. Review can be found on www.amazon.com

There are multiple clinical trials involving various forms of dystonia located at www.clinicaltrials.gov. Participate and Create Change in all forms of dystonia. Let’s not tunnel vision ourselves with only DYT1 Torsion protein research. Let’s Expand into care , quality of life, accurate epidemiology numbers !

Join our Dystonia Ed Forum Today. Receive answers to your questions today. The ONLY Forum moderated by an active healthcare provider, who herself has dystonia and underwent DBS in 2004,with the aid of several  dystonia activists.

Camp4Kids Information coming soon in TN,USA.

New FDA Warnings about botulinum Toxin use. Go to www.allergan.com, www.solsticeneuro.com or www.FDAWatch.gov

How many visitors have we had to our website since Jan 1, 2009 ? Learn about Our Work and Who We Are here.

Need Help with SSI ? Contact Nancy, our West Coast Regional Director at NMuller406@aol.com .

Dr. Oz reveals Dystonia in May 2009 on Oprah Winfrey Show.

New ! New website focusing on the use of Reglan can be found at www.tardivedyskinesia.com.