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Below are links to web sites that will help you and your child make solid career decisions.

 Career Exploration

  • CareerME
    It's never too late to begin your career development in the high-tech manufacturing world. Technically skilled employees are needed now more than ever, contrary to what you might have heard!
  • CareerOneStop
    Find jobs. Compare salary data. Learn which careers are hot. Get resume writing tips and more.
  • Career Guide to Industries
    Looking for a career? Find out about careers by industry. Check out working conditions, earnings, and outlook as well as more information.
  • CareerTV
    CareerTV Logo CareerTV is a global television programmer and interactive website designed to help college students and young professionals develop long-lasting, successful careers.

    Click here to learn more about our partnership with CareerTV.
  • Guidance and Counseling Associations and Services
    Find a career counselor or other career information resources in your area.
  • JOBehaviors
    Provides dozens of job-specific assessments for positions in a variety of high-demand industries including Automotive, Healthcare, Banking, Childcare, Construction, Transportation, Retail, Insurance, Education, and Sales... with more added all the time. Invest 15-minutes to unlock information that could lead to a lifetime of job-success and fulfillment.
  • Job Search Intelligence - Career Planning
    The Job Search Intelligence program will query you for information relating to education, employment history and other factors, to give you helpful compensation and employment guidance.
  • Occupational Outlook Handbook (OOH)
    Learn about what workers do on the job, working conditions, the training and education needed, earnings, and expected job prospects in a wide range of occupations.
  • O*NET Computerized Interest Profiler
    Explore careers through this online. Find the type of work and occupations your child would like and find exciting. Use the results to explore the world of work.
  • O*NET Work Importance Profiler
    What is important to your child in a job? This tool helps you identify occupations that your child may find satisfying.
  • Reading Room
    Find abstracts, reports and more great information related to career decisions. Search using keywords or select a topic of interest.
  • Sloan Career Cornerstone Center
    An ever-expanding resource center for anyone interested in exploring career opportunities in science, technology, engineering, mathematics, computing, and medicine.
    This web site is your gateway to the U.S. Government. Plan your education beyond high school. They have a ton of online resources to check out. Find information on careers, community service, and travel and more.
  • Youth2Work
    Find out about the employment rules, safety, and health information for teen workers. Also, find resources for job preparation, career planning, education and training, job listings and information for youth by industry.

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 Choose the Right School

  • Certification Finder
    Completing a certification may make you more attractive to employers. It may give you an edge in today's workplace. Use this online tool to find out more.
  • College Navigator
    College Navigator Site Screen Capture College Navigator is your direct link to nearly 7,000 colleges in the United States. They include many types of colleges, from 2-year schools, to trade schools. Learn about each type of school and how much it costs to attend.
  • Community College Finder
    You can search by state for web site and contact information. Be sure to check out average two-year tuition rates.
  • Licensed Occupations
    You can search for licenses by state, occupation or agency. Licenses may be required by law for you to work in a certain career. This tool provides the licensing rules and a link for more information.
  • Registered Apprenticeship
    You can work at the same time as you prepare yourself for a great career. How? Through apprenticeship training. You can combine on-the-job learning with classroom instruction.

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 Find Funding Options

    Thinking about a career in the automotive aftermarket? An automotive scholarship can help pave the way.
  • FAFSA on the Web
    Children thinking about going to college? Interested in career school? There are many student financial aid programs that you should check out. Fill out the FAFSA to find out if your child qualifies for financial aid.
  • Federal Student Aid for Parents
    Find information on financing education beyond high school.
  • Financial Aid Advisor
    Find financial aid help. Check out grants, scholarships, savings programs, loans, and tax deductions.
    This online tool is free and easy-to use. You can answer a series of questions about yourself. You will get a list of government benefit programs you or your child might be eligible to receive. You will also learn about how you can apply for them.
  • The Student Guide
    Looking to fund your child's education? Updated each award year, The Student Guide tells you about grants, loans, and work-study programs and how to apply for them.

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 Finding the Jobs

  • Careerjet
    Careerjet is an employment search engine. In just one search access 19,749,127 jobs published on 59,001 websites in the world.
  • GovCentral
    An independently run hub for the civilian government community. Whether you're considering a career in government work for the first time, or a veteran employee, our aim is to serve you.
  • - Bilingual Jobs
    Our hispanic employment service provides jobs to talented candidates with top niche organizations and offers free resume postings to qualified bilingual professionals.
  • is one of the original Web employment portals. It has over 5,000 links to job search resources both by state within the U.S. as well as by industry/specialty (including those highlighted here on Career Voyages) as well as over 50 articles on the subject of online job search.
  • Making the Difference
    The federal government's broad mission means there are jobs in every field. From architects to zoologists, the federal government is looking for a wide variety of talented and dedicated employees.
  • State Job Banks
    You can find a great selection of jobs at individual state job banks. Click the link above to find your state.
    There are a variety of student employment opportunities in the Federal Government. Learn how to apply for jobs, build your resume, or find an ideal job.
  • USAJobs
    Search the official job site of the United States Federal Government. This is your one stop source for Federal jobs and employment information.
  • U.S. Dept of Defense (DoD) - Civilian Job Opportunities
    The Department of Defense (DOD) is the largest U.S. employer. DOD offers many thousands of rewarding and challenging jobs, in hundreds of different fields, as a service member or as a civilian.

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 Tools for Parents

  • America's Career Resource Network - Parents
    Help your children do well in school, make the most of their talents and interests, and get the education and skills they need for college and work.
    Learn more about how a great education can help people achieve their dreams.
  • Job Search Intelligence - Career Planning
    The Job Search Intelligence program will query you for information relating to education, employment history and other factors, to give you helpful compensation and employment guidance.
  • National PTA
    "National PTA is the largest volunteer child advocacy organization in the United States. A not-for-profit association of parents, educators, students, and other citizens active in their schools and communities, PTA is a leader in reminding our nation of its obligations to children."
    PTA Goes to Work
    PTA Goes to Work
    can help you make sense of the often overwhelming amount of information that is available regarding career planning and job training.

  • State Web Sites for Graduation Requirements
    Link to the guidelines for graduating from high school in your state.
  • U.S. Department of Education
    Take a look at the list of resources the Department of Education has for parents to help you assist your child in high school and beyond.

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