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Educational Clearinghouse Database: Glossary

The purpose of the Educational Clearinghouse Database is to provide easy access to educational materials available to the public concerning biomedical and health related issues. The Educational Clearinghouse provides a searchable database of products, services, and educational material pertaining to biomedical topics from the National Library of Medicine (NLM), National Network of Libraries of Medicine (NN/LM), and non-NLM sources. Records within the Educational Clearinghouse Database provide links to governmental, educational, and not-for-profit sites, which will be useful to users who are looking for web-based health education sources.

The following is a list of the searchable database elements with definitions found in the Educational Clearinghouse.

Annotation A narrative description created by NTCC staff to describe the resource. May also originate from the suggestion form sent to the NTCC for inclusion of a resource in the Clearinghouse database.
Archive A resource where stored files are available for download via the Internet.
Class A course of instruction, such as a number of lectures or other matter dealing with a subject.
Content Describes the type (NLM/NN/LM/non-NLM) resources that serve as the focus of the educational material delivered by the resource.
Contact The person or organization responsible for the creation, content and maintenance of a resource.
Date Added The date the record was added to the Clearinghouse Database.
Date last modified The most recent date that the record was changed or altered.
Date last verified The last date that the record was checked by NTCC staff for accuracy.
Directory An alphabetical or classified list of names, organizations, subjects, etc., giving usually titles, addresses, affiliations, and other professional data.
Discussion A resource providing consideration of questions in open and usually informal debate.
Fact Sheet A concise written document containing information for the public authored by the National Library of Medicine.
General Public A person possessing no specialized training in either the information or healthcare professions.
Handout A self-contained folder or circular of information for free distribution.
Health Professional A person currently employed in a job, or going to school to get started in a career whose primary responsibility centers on the provision of health care or pursuit of medical research.
Information Professional A person employed in a job whose primary responsibility centers on the acquisition, organization and/or dissemination of information.
Keywords Words or word phrases assigned to a record by NTCC staff to indicate the main features of resource.
Language Languages used with the resource.
Manual A concise reference book covering a particular subject.
Newsletter A publication issued at stated, more or less regular, intervals containing news of interest chiefly to a special group.
Pamphlet Printed publications usually having a format with no binding and no cover. They are often devoted to a single subject.
Portal A gateway to the Internet, which may contain search engines and/or directory resources.
Publication Date The creation date or the most recent update, listed on the resource.
Search Engine An Internet resource that allows users to search for files and information.
Title The title as listed in the HMTL code of the resource.
Tutorial A paper, book, film, or computer program that provides practical information about a specific subject.
URL An acronym for Uniform Resource Locator - The unique address of a WWW page on the Internet.
Workbook A resource outlining a course of study, often containing problems to be solved directly within the resource.

The National Training Center and Clearinghouse (NTCC) does not directly fund, sponsor, or solicit the creation of any materials linked by the Educational Clearinghouse Database. Inclusion of a link within the NTCC does not serve as an endorsement of the linked material or institution by the National Library of Medicine (NLM), the National Network of Libraries of Medicine (NN/LM), NTCC, or the New York Academy of Medicine. The NTCC does not dictate the content of linked material, but does reserve the right to remove links considered to be obsolete or inappropriate material. The NTCC will contact Clearinghouse providers on a regular basis with a reminder to notify the Clearinghouse if their original page has been moved or is out of date.