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My Position: After the failure of this Congress to enact sensible, compassionate, and effective immigration reform last year, selective – and at-times nonsensical – enforcement has been the rule. It has meant, in the face of inaction and silence on the part of the federal government, fragmented and contradictory responses from local municipalities, ranging from establishing sanctuary cities to conducting incessant, violent, and sometimes illogical raids and deportations. Waiting is no longer a suitable solution, particularly not for those hardworking undocumented immigrants, free of any criminal record, who live everyday in fear, and certainly not for those legal immigrants who committed long-ago misdemeanors and become victims to the fervor for increased deportations.

Immigrants have carved out a sacrosanct place in the American story. The vivacity and freshness that come with a heavy immigrant population has been a defining characteristic of New York City – and we have been the better for it. We define ourselves as a city of immigrants and recognize the importance of the Statue of Liberty as a symbol of what has helped make our city great. We live immersed in a potpourri of culture, all components distinctly American but each with flair and a kaleidoscopic beauty. Our children have benefitted most from this variety, learning not just from their teachers, but from a diverse cast of neighbors and peers.

This newest generation will inherit this country far better equipped to be citizens of the world than generations before them. They are bound by a fervid love and allegiance to America, their home, married with a sensitivity and respect for our global neighbors. It is a good day in America when our commonalities bind us, and our differences bring us that much closer. ■



Press Releases Tagged :: Immigration

Rangel Urges Homeland Security Secretary Napolitano to Reconsider Deporting 30,000 Haitian Immigrants

GAO Finds Cuba Embargo Strains Homeland Security’s Ability to Protect U.S. Borders

Rangel, USCIS Honor New Citizens, Sacrifice of Cpl. Juan Alcántara

Rangel Praises Decision to Ease Passport Regulations

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Opinion Editorials Tagged :: Immigration

Honoring Our Nation's Immigrants With More Than Just Words

Changing the Divisive Tone of the Immigration Debate

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Street Naming Honors Fallen War Hero's Sacrifice

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Photos Tagged :: Immigration

Naturalization Ceremony

Rangel with Summer Youth Employment Interns

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