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My Position: Protecting the environment is more than preserving nature – it also means a commitment to protecting the health and welfare of our people. This commitment is especially important to the residents of my district, which consists of a highly urban and densely-populated area.

We must work to reduce emissions from power plants, push for better fuel economy standards, and preserve forests, wetlands, and wildlife habitats. I have supported bills that improve food and nutrition programs for children and agricultural programs for struggling farmers and ranchers.

When greenhouse gases increase ozone exposure, we increase the health risks and costs associated with skin diseases. Where dangerous gases emitted from plants contaminate the air and water sources nearby, typically lower-income communities and schools are hit the hardest, endangering the health of many, especially our children.  Improving our environment not fosters healthy communities, but will provide jobs as the future of our economy depends on changing how we use energy.   
During this critical moment in our history, President Obama has introduced an economic recovery plan that will get our country back on track.  In that plan, he has made unleashing our renewable energy potential a top priority. The House responded to working with the President by passing H.R. 1, The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act.  The bill contains tax relief provisions crafted by my Committee that encourage investment in infrastructure that improves the environment and our quality of life.  

The bill also contains provisions to retrofit schools so that they use cleaner energy, meet health and safety codes, and eliminate exposure to mold and lead-based paint. In New York City, we have schools with old and inefficient boilers burning fuel oils. Investing in energy improvements would reduce emissions and improve efficiency, thus improving the health and well-being of our children.

Economic prosperity and the environment go hand in hand.  If our communities are unsanitary, polluted, run-down, or unhealthy, then hard-working Americans pay just to survive.  I am committed to improving the quality of life for all American, which can only be as good as the environment that surrounds us. ■



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Rangel Hosts More Than 500 Leaders at Upper Manhattan Economic Recovery Summit

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Katrina Tax Relief Bill

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