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Can't Sleep?
Science Is Seeking New Answers

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A good night's sleep is more than a luxury. Sleep is as important to survival as food and water. On too little, we humans don't function well—for example, we run a higher risk of accidents, we sometimes perform poorly at work or school, and our moods can turn sour.

A sleepless night or two isn't a medical emergency. However, if difficulties persist, a sleep disorder may be involved. People with sleep disorders may have difficulty falling or staying asleep or waking up in the morning, fall asleep at inappropriate times, sleep too much, or show unusual behaviors during sleep. Important new research, including studies supported by the National Institutes of Health (NIH), has linked lack of sleep with obesity, diabetes, and other related conditions. The National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM) is supporting a number of research studies on potential treatment options for sleep disorders using complementary and alternative medicine (CAM).

"Sleep disorders are an important public health issue that is receiving serious attention from NCCAM and several other components of NIH," said NCCAM Director Stephen E. Straus, M.D.

As many as 70 million Americans—about one-quarter of the population—experience sleep disorders; half of this group have chronic sleep problems. Conventional therapies are available for most sleep disorders, but for some people they don't work well, cause unwanted side effects, or cost too much. As a result, many people turn to CAM therapies.

According to the 2002 National Health Interview Survey, 2.2 percent of all adults in the survey who used CAM did so for sleep problems. This represents approximately 1.6 million U.S. adults. CAM therapies commonly used for sleep problems include dietary supplements (such as melatonin and valerian); approaches that emphasize the interaction between the mind and the body (such as meditation); and therapies that are part of non-Western traditional medical systems (such as acupuncture and yoga).

"While some CAM products used to treat sleep disorders are already available to consumers, in most cases they have not been proven to be efficacious through rigorous research," explained Nancy J. Pearson, Ph.D., NCCAM Program Officer and member of the Trans-NIH Sleep Research Coordinating Committee. "There is very little knowledge about whether CAM therapies for sleep disorders work, and, if so, how they work. NCCAM is supporting research to help answer these questions."

Types and Causes of Sleep Disorders

Sleep problems can start with a sudden event. For example, a job loss can lead to nighttime worries, which in turn can lead to trouble sleeping. When a sleep problem occurs without another identified disease or condition, it is referred to as a primary sleep disorder. However, in many cases, sleep disorders are associated with other causes. Some circumstances and illnesses that can lead to sleep problems are as follows:

Sleep problems can arise during any period of life:

The Most Common Sleep Disorders

Below are some of the most common sleep disorders. Medications and behavioral approaches are available to help people with these disorders.

Insomnia is difficulty falling and staying asleep, as well as daytime problems associated with sleepiness. It is the most commonly reported sleep complaint. Insomnia often accompanies stress or another health condition.

Frequent loud snoring at night and daytime sleepiness are the main symptoms of sleep apnea. People with sleep apnea stop breathing for brief periods while asleep and then choke and gasp for breath.

People with narcolepsy cannot regulate their sleep/wake cycles. As a result, they may fall asleep uncontrollably—any place, any time. These "sleep attacks" are often accompanied by daytime sleepiness, episodes of muscle weakness or paralysis, and disrupted nighttime sleep.

In restless legs syndrome, a person has tingling sensations in the legs while sitting or lying still. They constantly stretch or move their legs to try to relieve these sensations, which interfere with sleep.

NCCAM Research

NCCAM supports studies on whether certain CAM therapies might be helpful for sleep disorders. Some examples:

Along with supporting studies, NCCAM also participates in other activities to improve the state of scientific knowledge about treatments for sleep disorders. First, NCCAM is part of the Trans-NIH Sleep Research Coordinating Committee, which coordinates research efforts across NIH and issues a report each year. NCCAM is supporting—along with 12 other NIH institutes, centers, and offices—an initiative to stimulate research on sleep and sleep disorders.

Second, NCCAM cosponsors conferences and workshops on areas related to sleep disorders. In 2004, NCCAM cosponsored a conference on the biology of the brain's pineal gland, which produces melatonin. In June 2005, NCCAM was one of several sponsors of the State-of-the-Science Conference on insomnia at NIH. At that conference, the invited panel of experts called for further research on commonly used CAM treatments for insomnia, including supplements like melatonin and valerian, and mind-body practices such as tai chi and yoga. Acupuncture and light therapy were also mentioned as treatments that call for additional evaluation.

Because the use of melatonin supplements by the public for sleep problems is widespread, NCCAM requested and funded a report published by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality that analyzed the existing scientific evidence on this topic. The authors found that melatonin appears safe for short-term use, but that it may not be effective for treating most primary sleep disorders, such as jet lag. It may offer some benefit for delayed sleep phase syndrome. How melatonin works in humans is not well understood, and more research is needed to answer many questions about this therapy.

"Many people struggle with getting enough sleep or the right kind of sleep," said Dr. Pearson. "Better sleep improves our quality of life. NCCAM, on its own and in collaboration with other institutes and centers at NIH, is committed to supporting research to uncover potential new options from CAM for those with sleep problems."

Tips for Better Sleep

Source: National Institute on Aging, with credit also to the National Sleep Foundation

For More Information

National Center on Sleep Disorders Research (NCSDR), NIH
The NCSDR Web site contains publications for health professionals and the public, including an interactive quiz and fact sheets on common sleep disorders.
Sleep clinical trials are being sponsored by a number of NIH institutes and centers, including NCCAM.

Program Announcement: PA-05-046
Research on Sleep and Sleep Disorders

National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, NIH
Brain Basics: Understanding Sleep
Restless Legs Syndrome Fact Sheet

National Institute on Aging, NIH
Sleep and Aging

Office of Science Education, NIH
Sleep, Sleep Disorders, and Biological Rhythms--Curriculum Supplement for High School

National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, NIH
2003 National Sleep Disorders Research Plan
Trans-NIH Sleep Research Coordinating Committee Annual Report

Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
Melatonin for Treatment of Sleep Disorders (PDF*)

NIH State-of-the-Science Conference Statement on Manifestations and Management of Chronic Insomnia in Adults