From the Lab to the Marketplace (1995)

Some of Our Partners

And some of what they have said about our collaborations:

The Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory has repeatedly been on the forefront of demonstrating that energy efficiency can not only compete effectively with energy production, but can offer significant advantages in terms of environmental and economic impacts and competitiveness. . . LBL has earned the support and trust of the entire energy efficiency industry and deserves the opportunity to continue this work in the critically important role of getting our national energy strategy working.

  • Peter F. Gerhardinger
    Manager—New Products Technology, Libbey Owens Ford Co.

We have been working with LBL's Lighting Systems Group in an effort to adapt their technology for commercialization ... We can now see a clear role for these technologies in our products. The implementation of this technology should greatly enhance an already attractive market ... As taxpayers we are pleased to see us getting so much bang for our buck. The LBL group will be responsible for a great deal of energy savings. They should please everyone but OPEC.

  • Bruce Pelton
    Vice President, Lumatech Corporation

With the information I recently received from LBL concerning the performance of compact fluorescent lamps with attached reflectors, we can now improve the quality of our product with minimum investment while at the same time providing the end user with greater light output at even product efficiency ... LBL's work not only benefits the original equipment manufacturer, providing insight on how to produce a more efficient product, but in the long term benefits the consumer and society with reduced emissions and reduced energy bills. Clearly the output of LBL benefits society, manufacturers and end users.

  • Steve Johnson
    President, Mitor Industries Inc.

Investment by the Department of Energy allowed Southwall Technologies, working closely with LBL, to introduce in 1981 the first insulating glass containing a heat reflecting, low emissivity coating ... [The product] served as the catalyst in creating a high performance window industry.

  • Southwall Technologies, Press Release

We committed well over a year ago to early in-depth data gathering, analysis, cooperation and communication with DOE and LBL, and we're very pleased with the results of that effort.

  • Charles Samuels
    Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers, Government Relations Counsel
    U.S. Department of Energy Public Hearings on Appliance Standards

Refrigerator manufacturers have been working closely with LBL for over a year now to evaluate design options and develop cost data for this appliance standards rulemaking. We very much appreciate the cooperation and professionalism that LBL has shown throughout this process.

  • Terry Thiele
    Senior Counsel for Government Relations, GE Appliances
    U.S. Department of Energy Public Hearings on Appliance Standards

Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory is one of the founders of so-called end-use-based economic engineering analysis and utility least cost planning. These two revolutionary advancements in energy analysis and planning are considered key to creating a burgeoning, lucrative global market in super-efficient environmentally superior products and services ... LBL is one of the most respected energy R&D laboratories in the world ... which has catalyzed development of super-efficient technologies and building design software.

  • Senator John Glenn
    Senator Herb Kohl

The long-standing LBL-EPRI relationship has greatly improved the forecasting abilities of the electric power industry. With the resulting end-use models and associated databases, utilities can more easily integrate the impacts of demand-side management programs, efficiency standards, and new technologies into their long-term forecasts. This improves the quality of a variety of utility functions.

  • Phil Hanser
    Manager, Demand-Side Management Program
    Electric Power Research Institute

World-renowned Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory has performed critical work leading to the development of important new building technologies like electronic ballasts for fluorescent lighting and low-emissivity windows. These two products alone have created important new global markets for U.S. companies and saved Americans millions of dollars.

  • Ed Smeloff
    Director, Sacramento Municipal Utility District

The Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory has been a major motivating force for energy efficiency in California for over 15 years. As early as 1978, the intellectual leadership of LBL staff highlighted that efficient appliances could pay for themselves by reducing consumer utility bills, and also eliminate the need for a large nuclear plant in Southern California. LBL pioneered the concept of "conservation supply curves" that has facilitated the economic comparison of efficiency with conventional energy supplies, and resulted in the California Energy Commission establishing conservation as the state's preferred source of new energy supply. They have also consistently shown the link between conservation with environmental benefits, which has led to efficiency being the foundation of California's efforts to meet our environmental goals ... LBL also has advised the legislature on regulatory and policy improvements that should be made to help California achieve its energy and environmental goals which resulted in the introduction of 20 new bills in the last legislative session. The Commission is implementing efficiency programs that can trace their roots to LBL's long- standing efforts to ensure that advances in science also improved California's economy and environment.

  • Charles R. Imbrecht
    Chairman, California Energy Commission

Listed are companies or organizations that have funded or otherwise participated in LBNL research projects or directly utilized the research results. Further information available on request.