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Eastern Baccharis, Groundsel, Sea Myrtle, Consumption Weed, Groundsel-bush, Seepwillow
Baccharis halimifolia

Asteraceae (Compositae)

Eastern baccharis is a densely branched shrub that ranges from 3 to 10 feet high, usually found growing in open woods, low prairies, and margins of salt marshes and rivers in coastal areas from Texas to Massachusetts. Female plants are covered with white flowers from August to November, followed by light, feathery fruit. Male plants have yellow flowers and no fruit. Eastern baccharis is extremely drought tolerant and can grow in soil from pure sand to pure clay, and even in saline soils. It is useful for erosion control and was used for this during the Dust Bowl, and it has also been planted in landscapes. However, both B. halimifolia and B. neglecta have become aggressive invaders of rangeland and disturbed sites from the Blackland Prairie to South Texas, and in other western states as well, so plant it intentionally only with great caution, if at all. It spreads quickly and can overtake forage plants, and its deep roots use up a disproportionate amount of water. It is also very flammable. Once established it is very difficult to eradicate, since livestock avoid it and it produces seeds prolifically.

Plant Habit or Use: small shrub
medium shrub

Exposure: sun
partial sun

Flower Color: white (female)/ yellow (male)

Blooming Period: summer

Fruit Characteristics: ribbed achene with feathery hairs

Height: 3 to 10 feet

Width: 3 to 8 feet

Plant Character: deciduous

Heat Tolerance: high

Water Requirements:

Soil Requirements: adaptable

USDA Hardiness Zone: 5

Additional Comments:

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