Rangel 'Face(s) the Nation' on Health Care


The Congressman 'Face(s) the Nation' yesterday, July 19, in support of the health care reform bill passed in his Ways & Means Committee last Friday.

And filed away in our 'department of praise' files is this gem from the interview below:

"If Charlie [Rangel] and I could sit together, we'd get it done. I have a lot of confidence in his ability."
– Sen. Orrin Hatch (R – Utah)

If you're having problems viewing this video, watch it here.

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While health care reform is needed we need to have our congressman read what they are signing. That is what gets this nation in trouble when they sign a bill that has riders attached to them. There is a problem when a defense spending bill is passed with a graffiti law attached. Now that is crazy when one has nothing to do with the other. So I guess we can say if one of the bill that are passed is unconstitutional then the rider is unconstitutional also, but we never see that. I could go on and on. Health care reform is necessary, but not like Canada.

Please do not allow the Republicans to keep changing the subject to what is wrong with the health care delivery system. It is the financing that has to be fixed - once the for profit aspects are removed a lot of those expenses will disappear. It's a scary thing to insist on seismic change in the financing but we need to remove insurance as the funding mechanism. Orin HATCH LIED LIED LIED LIED today - It must be so frustrating to have to sit there and listen to that! The Democrats CAN DELIVER here - a Single Payer system will work - it has in every other industrialized nation on Planet EARTH! I think you can help Americans understand that "taxes" for healthcare are essentially the same as paying PREMIUMS..... Americans paying premiums to an organization where they have a VOTE - unlike in private insurance where the only way you have a vote is if you are a shareholder!

Ignore the talk radio propaganda. Americans want some sort of Universal Health Care. Most of us actually want to help provide for each other as well as ourselves. Imagine that.


If Congress can stand before the American People that placed you all in that position of power over our futures and swear that everyone that is voting for this Health Care Reform Bill will be receiving the exact medical coverage/care for themselves and their families in the future as “We The People” will be receiving.

Then and only then, should they vote to pass this bill!

Congressman Rangel,

I am one of your constituents and a huge supporter.

I am a Geriatric Nurse Specialist and Case Manager, and am fully aware of how completely dysfunctional and inefficient (and cruel) our current healthcare system is. Please resist the temptation to coddle the business interests involved. LET THEM COMPETE FOR CUSTOMERS, by providing quality to their customers. That is true CAPITALISM. The competition will drive all prices down, and quality up.

If you back the public option (with no "triggers") I will do everything I can to elect you when you run again.

As a constituent, I have a few questions I'd like you to answer. I'm looking for answers to these questions specifically so I can understand clearly your position.

Do you support a public healthcare option as part of healthcare reform?

If so, do you support a public healthcare option that is available on day one?

Do you support a public healthcare option that is national, available everywhere, and accountable to our government?

Do you support a public healthcare option that has the clout to establish rates with providers and big drug companies?

As a constituent, I would really like to know the answers to these questions. Please respond to these questions in writing via email.

Thank you,

Lenore A. Jaffe, RN, MA

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