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March 4, 2009
Finding the Path to Economic Recovery
Last week, this country moved one step closer to economic recovery as President Barak Obama signed the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. While this recovery package is not a silver bullet for our fiscal woes, it does provide immediate resources to help individuals and families to get through this current crisis. Immediately relief will be seen in paychecks, …more

January 27, 2009
New Challenges, New Solutions, New Hope
America greeted the New Year with a sense of historic opportunity and challenge. Across this great nation, families are struggling to make ends meet during the worst economic downturn in decades. Millions have lost their jobs and remain unemployed, millions have lost or may lose their homes, and millions are watching their American dream slip from their grasp.But, a new …more

October 9, 2008
The Bailout Bill: Needed Protection for Affordable Housing
Last week's passage of the $800 billion financial rescue package is only the beginning of what we need to do to return order to Wall Street and relief to taxpayers. More must be done at all levels of government to lend a hand to hard-working families around this country, especially in the area of affordable housing. Last week's vote was …more

July 11, 2008
Harlem Is My Home
I called this press conference to respond to a puzzling article in today's New York Times that was critical of my living arrangements in my hometown of Harlem. The story said I live in a penthouse, which I don't. It also insinuated that I have some sort of sweetheart deal with the landlord. Nothing could be further from the truth. …more

June 10, 2008
With singular vision, Democrats will unite and win in November
The spirited and inspiring Democratic presidential nominating campaign that excited tens of millions of Americans is over - 16 months, 36 million votes and 54 primaries and caucuses later. From that contest sprang two extraordinary leaders who have become the stars of our party. There may be some residual bitterness among supporters on both sides, but there's no question the …more

May 8, 2008
The Media Intrudes On The Race
The media has an important role to play in political campaigns. Members of the press inform the electorate about the differing views of the candidates while providing forums for debate. At their best, reporters and commentators question, and even challenge, the positions of the office seekers on behalf of the voters. But in this campaign, we are witnessing something vastly …more

April 23, 2008
Honoring Our Nation's Immigrants With More Than Just Words
Several weeks ago, New York City did what many in our country should be doing everyday. Across seven days and more than 100 events, the Big Apple celebrated the culture and achievements of the countless numbers of immigrants--past and present--who have come to our great country. They come from numerous continents, and countries, in a variety of hues, each with their own …more

February 19, 2008
In Cuba, Another Opportunity for Change In U.S. Policy
The announced resignation of Fidel Castro as president of Cuba represents the end of an era, and an opportunity for the United States to change its failed politics-driven policy toward the island. With Castro's resignation, Cuba will change and have the chance to chart a new course for itself, under new leadership. It's now imperative that we, in this country, …more

January 22, 2008
A Dream Neither Lost or Forgotten
It has been four and a half decades since Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. delivered his “I have a Dream” speech that elevated America's aspirations for justice and equality. The nation has come far since then, removing the legal barriers to equality of opportunity in housing, employment, and education, while opening the political process to full participation by people of all …more

December 13, 2007
Supreme Court, Sentencing Commission Send Strong Message On Crack Cocaine Sentencing
Impetus Now On Congress to Continue Trend The country is undoubtedly moving towards a historic consensus: Unfair sentences for low-level crack cocaine offenders have got to stop. The Supreme Court ruled decisively yesterday that judges are free to disagree with sentencing guidelines and in so doing, may note their opposition to the unjustifiably disparate treatments of powder and crack cocaine. …more

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