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The Leader's Blog

Where the public can view, and discuss, the important issues of the day

» Majority Leader Hoyer Congratulates Al Gore on Nobel Peace Prize, October 12, 2007
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» THE LEADER'S REPORT: WEEK OF OCTOBER 8, 2007, October 12, 2007
This week, Democrats continued to pressure the President to change direction in Iraq by passing the War Profiteering Prevention Act.
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» THE WEEKLY LEADER: WEEK OF OCTOBER 15, 2007, October 12, 2007
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» Hoyer Responds to President on Surveillance Bill, October 10, 2007
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» Hoyer Statement on Tax Collection Responsibility Act, October 10, 2007
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» THE DAILY LEADER: WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 10, 2007, October 09, 2007
Housing and Tax Collection
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» THE DAILY LEADER: TUESDAY, OCTOBER 9, 2007, October 08, 2007
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» House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer to Deliver Democratic Radio Address, October 05, 2007
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» THE LEADER'S REPORT: WEEK OF OCTOBER 1, 2007, October 05, 2007
This week, the House passed an important piece of legislation that will help us continue to pressure the President to change direction in Iraq.
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» THE WEEKLY LEADER: WEEK OF OCTOBER 08, 2007, October 05, 2007
Suspensions; railroad safety; taxes
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» Majority Leader Hoyer’s Statement on New Budget Committee Report, October 04, 2007
The report released today by the House Budget Committee and Chairman John Spratt provides concrete evidence that Democrats, in fact, are the party of fiscal discipline in Washington.
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» Majority Leader Hoyer’s Statement on the Mortgage Forgiveness Debt Relief Act, October 04, 2007
This important legislation – the Mortgage Forgiveness Debt Relief Act – is yet another concrete example of how this Democratic House Majority is focused on common-sense, bipartisan solutions and working to address the priorities of the American people.
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» Majority Leader Hoyer’s Statement on the President’s Veto of CHIP Legislation, October 03, 2007
The President’s incomprehensible veto of this bipartisan, fiscally responsible legislation – which is supported by strong majorities in the House and Senate, 43 governors, industry groups and the American people – not only violates his own campaign promise in 2004, but also demonstrates a stunning lack of compassion for some of the most vulnerable members of our society.
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» THE DAILY LEADER: THURSDAY, OCTOBER 4, 2007, October 03, 2007
Mortgage reform; MEJA
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» Discussing Support for the Financial Recovery Plan on ABC, October 02, 2007
I think more and more of the public is getting the sense, hey, maybe this is necessary and it affects me...
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» THE DAILY LEADER: WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 3, 2007, October 02, 2007
Improving Gov Accountability, MEJA
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» Hoyer Discusses Fiscal Responsibility, Appropriations at National Press Club, October 01, 2007
Majority Leader Hoyer delivers a speech on fiscal responsibility and the upcoming appropriations fight at the National Press Club on Friday, September 28.
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» THE DAILY LEADER: TUESDAY, OCTOBER 2, 2007, October 01, 2007
Iraq, Burma and Other Suspensions
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» THE DAILY LEADER: MONDAY, OCTOBER 1, 2007, September 30, 2007
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» Hoyer to Give Address on Appropriations, Fiscal Responsibility Today, September 28, 2007
Hoyer will address the National Press Club today on appropriations and fiscal responsibility.
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» LEADER'S REPORT SPECIAL EDITION: Democrats Restore Fiscal Responsibility, September 28, 2007
Today I addressed the National Press Club to discuss the differences between the Democratic-led Congress and President Bush on this year's appropriations bills; the stark comparison between Democrats and Republicans on fiscal responsibility; and the long-term fiscal challenges facing our nation.
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» Majority Leader Hoyer's Address at the National Press Club: Fighting for America's Future, September 28, 2007
House Majority Leader Steny H. Hoyer (MD) will address the National Press Club today to discuss the upcoming appropriations battle and larger fiscal issues.
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» THE WEEKLY LEADER: WEEK OF OCTOBER 01, 2007, September 28, 2007
Defense, Government Accountability, and Infrastructure
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» Democrats Gain Ground in Fights Over Budget, SCHIP, September 27, 2007
Congressional Democrats hold the political high ground in their battles with President Bush over the budget and children’s health — and plan to press their advantage to the hilt.
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» Majority Leader Hoyer Statement on Signing of College Cost Reduction Act, September 27, 2007
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