NASA: National Aeronautics and Space Administration

  1. Content with the tag: “endurance

  2. Probing Antarctica’s Lake Bonney

    In a project designed to help NASA plan for a future mission to explore Jupiter’s moon Europa, researchers have begun testing an autonomous underwater vehicle, known as ENDURANCE, in the ice-covered waters of Antarctica’s Lake Bonney. The biggest problem they’ve run into so far? Bubbles.

    Source: [Astrobiology Magazine]

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  3. ENDURANCE: Follow the Blog

    Scientists have brought the ENDURANCE underwater vehicle to Lake Bonney, a perpetually ice-covered salt lake located in Antarctica’s McMurdo Dry Valleys. ENDURANCE, an autonomous vehicle designed to swim untethered under ice, will spend a month creating three-dimensional maps of the underwater environment. It also will collect data on the environmental conditions and take samples of microbial life. If all goes well, in the future NASA could send a similar probe to explore the ocean on Jupiter’s icy moon Europa.

    Read the daily blog entries written by scientists in...

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  4. ENDURANCE Project Taking Icy Test Dive

    Underwater Robot Takes Test Dive in Wisconsin before Mission to Antarctica: ENDURANCE Project Demonstrating Concepts for Europa Exploration

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