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Learn More about Ingenuity Pathways Analysis (IPA): October 4, 10 a.m. - 12 p.m., Lipsett Amphitheater (Building 10)

Join staff scientists from Ingenuity Systems on Thursday October 4 to learn more about Ingenuity Pathways Analysis (IPA). The seminar will take place from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. in Lipsett Amphitheater, Building 10, and is part of the NIH Library's Resource Training program on new and existing research tools.

What is IPA?
IPA enables biologists and bioinformaticians to model and analyze the biological relationships between genes. Specifically, the newly released IPA 5.0 allows researchers to identify key biological processes, pathways, regulatory networks, and molecular mechanisms based on published research findings. IPA 5.0 also features Search and Exploration tools for the creation of customized pathways based on Ingenuity's extensive and context-rich knowledge base of genes, diseases, cells, and chemicals.

Which analytical tools does IPA 5.0 offer?

  • Ability to analyze and interpret data through the use of IPA Core Analysis Tools, IPA Biomarker™ Analysis, or IPA-Tox™ Analysis. 
  • Search and exploration of biological and chemical relationships using the Ingenuity Knowledge Base.

What are the seminar objectives?
The seminar will cover basic and advanced usage of Ingenuity Pathways Analysis, including the advanced search and reporting features. Example use-cases will be used to highlight functionality.

Who should attend?
This is an introductory presentation for all basic and clinical research staff studying mammalian genes or proteins. The seminar is appropriate for scientists with or without molecular expression data (DNA/RNA/protein). Topics covered will be of interest to biologists, clinicians, and bioinformaticians.

Is registration required to attend the seminar?
Registration is not required.

How do I request reasonable accommodations?
To request Sign Language Interpreters and other reasonable accommodations, please contact the NIH Library Information Desk at 301-496-1080 five business days in advance. For TDD users/callers, please call the above number through the Federal Relay Service at 1-800-877-8339.

I cannot attend the seminar. May I view a webcast?
Yes, the webcast will be available through NIH Videocasting.

What support for IPA does the NIH Library provide?
Douglas Joubert (, Biomedical Informationist, NIH Library, conducts IPA tutorials for individuals, labs, and groups. Contact Doug to schedule a tutorial or find out more about IPA tools and features.

October 2007


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