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NIH Library Begins Bioinformatics Training Program  

The NIH Library has hired a leading expert in bioinformatics training and consultation, Dr. Medha Bhagwat, to support bioinformatics research at NIH.

Medha joins the Library with the diverse expertise in biochemistry (PhD from the University of Maryland), molecular and structural biology (postdoctoral training at NIDDK), and almost 11 years of bioinformatics experience at the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI). 

Medha will continue teaching select bioinformatics courses, based on the previous mini-courses she developed  at NCBI, plus additional new classes based on NIH’s current bioinformatics needs at the NIH Library Training Center.  Medha is also available for tutorials and for consultations on issues related to bioinformatics.

The first of the new bioinformatics classes, Sequence Analysis: Making Sense of DNA and Protein Sequences, will be offered on September 16, from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. 

For more information and registration links about the Sequence Analysis class

Sign up for the NIH Library News Listserv to receive announcements about future bioinformatics classes such as:

Gene-related Resources,
Sequence Similarity Searches: BLAST,
3-D Structural Analysis,
Disease Genes,  and
Correlation of Disease Genes to Phenotypes.

While at NCBI, Medha developed and taught several 2-hour mini-courses (, which describe the effective use of a set of bioinformatics tools. These popular courses were taught more than 400 times to approximately 12,000 participants. 

Reach Dr. Bhagwat by email at or by telephone at 301-496-2185.

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