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November 08, 2006
November 08, 2006

Senior House Democrats Ask Colleagues to Support Hoyer for Majority Leader

Group Cites Hoyer's Leadership, Hard Work, Effectiveness and Strong Record on Core Values

WASHINGTON - A group of senior House Democrats sent a letter to their colleagues today in support of Whip Steny Hoyer for Majority Leader.  The text of the letter is attached:

November 8, 2006

Dear Colleague:

            As Senior Members of Congress who represent the broad range of views within our Democratic Caucus, we know just how difficult it has been to regain the House Majority.  Our new Majority has been years in the making.  Our leadership team has worked tirelessly to bring us to this point.  And, they deserve great credit for leading us to victory.

            Today, as we prepare for the 110th Congress as the new House Majority, we are writing to urge you to vote for Steny Hoyer as our new Majority Leader when the Caucus holds its organizational meeting on Thursday, November 16.  In short, Steny has worked incredibly hard to help us take back the House, and will work even harder to bring Democrats together over the next two years and to help us achieve success.  We believe Steny not only has earned this position through his tremendous contributions and efforts, but also has demonstrated that he has the experience and skills that our new Majority Leader must possess.

            Nancy and Steny have been a terrific team, helping our Caucus achieve great unity.  Nancy has done a wonderful job leading our Caucus, which was more unified than it has been in the last 50 years, according to Congressional Quarterly.  Steny also has been an instrumental part of our leadership team, reaching out to all elements of our diverse Caucus and helping to bring Democrats together.  Our continued unity is imperative, and we believe that the leadership team that brought us to this point should continue to lead us in the new Majority.

            Steny has worked non-stop for House Democrats.  In this election cycle, Steny contributed more than $1.1 million directly to House Members and candidates, and raised an additional $3.3 million for Members and candidates.  Steny also has given $750,000 directly to the DCCC, in addition to raising more than $3 million for the Committee.  All told, Steny has given or raised more than $8 million for our efforts to take back the House.  Furthermore, he traveled to 33 states, campaigned or recruited in 80 Districts, and participated in more than 315 events.

            Steny is an experienced and effective strategist and leader.  In addition to serving as Whip the last four years, Steny also has served as Caucus Chair, Co-Chair of the Democratic Steering Committee and Chairman of the Helsinki Commission.  Just this year, Steny has helped lead the fight to increase the federal minimum wage; he fights annually for education and health care funding; and he was the lead sponsor of the Americans With Disabilities Act.  In addition, Steny is an effective communicator who can deliver the Democratic message on the range of issues that confront our nation.

            Steny has an unwavering commitment to core Democratic principles.  There simply is no question that Steny is deeply committed to our Party’s efforts on civil and human rights, our support for working men and women, our commitment to education and health care, and our fight to protect the environment – to name a few.

            We are convinced that Steny will be a tremendous Majority Leader and asset for our Caucus.  We strongly urge you to support his candidacy.

                            Sincerely yours,









Click here for a pdf copy of the letter with signatures.


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