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May 25, 2007



Yesterday, the House passed legislation that will significantly impact the war in Iraq.  For the first time, the Bush Administration is being held accountable for making progress in Iraq.  The Iraq supplemental spending bill that was passed ties economic aid to 18 benchmarks for political, security, and economic progress.  President Bush said only a few months ago that he would only accept war funding with no strings attached.  The bill passed yesterday shows that this Democratic Congress has listened to the American people and made significant progress in changing direction in Iraq.
The House also passed two pieces of legislation yesterday that will make our government more open and transparent.  In response to ethics scandals of past Republican-controlled Congresses, House Democrats are committed to restoring people's trust in government, and these bills put us on that path.
This week has wrapped up five months of strong accomplishments by House Democrats.  From raising the minimum wage and restoring fiscal responsibility, to providing assistance to Hurricane Katrina victims to ensuring veterans have access to quality health care, House Democrats have governed effectively and gotten real results.  Our work, however, is not finished.  This is only the beginning.  In the coming months, we will continue our work to address the priorities of the American people.
Sincerely yours,
Steny H. Hoyer

Majority Leader Hoyer Statement on Democratic Accomplishments in the 110th Congress
Majority Leader Hoyer spoke at a press conference today, discussing the strong record of accomplishments House Democrats have made over the past five months, including raising the minimum wage and restoring fiscal responsibility.
Majority Leader Hoyer's Statement on the Iraq Supplemental Spending Bill
Yesterday, Majority Leader Hoyer spoke on the House Floor in favor of the Iraq supplemental spending bill, saying that this bill proves that Congress has moved the debate forward and begun to hold the Bush Administration accountable for making progress in Iraq.
Hoyer Statement on Honest Leadership and Open Government Act
Majority Leader Hoyer spoke on the House Floor on Thursday in support of the Honest Leadership and Open Government Act, which will return transparency, accountability, and honesty to government after the Republicans' "culture of corruption." 
Majority Leader Hoyer's Statement on Passage of Federal Price Gouging Prevention Act
As gas prices reached record highs, the House passed two bipartisan pieces of legislation that will crack down on price gouging and bring greater transparency to oil and gas markets.
House Passes Seven Bills Expanding Benefits for America's Veterans
In honor of Memorial Day, the House passed seven bills that will expand veterans' health care and benefits, including improving treatment for traumatic brain injury, expanding eligibility for vocational rehabilition benefits, and improving outreach to veterans so that they are aware of their benefits.


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