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Harry Potter’s World Exhibit

Congratulations to the Central Connecticut State University Burritt Library  in New Britain, CT on being selected to host “Harry Potter’s World” exhibit from the National Library of Medicine from October 4, 2009 - November 14, 2009.    The exhibit, “Harry Potter’s World:  Renaissance Science, Magic and Medicine” explores Harry Potter’s world, its roots in Renaissance science and the ethical questions that affected not only the wizards in J.K. Rowling’s books, but also the historical thinkers featured in the series.  The exhibit highlights the work of 15th and 16th century alchemists, naturalists and occultists and explores the intersection between Harry Potter novels and Renaissance thinkers, lore and practices.

PubMed Redesign Presentation August 26th

NN/LM Middle Atlantic Region (MAR), New England Region(NER), and Southeast Atlantic Region (SE/A) will present a live webinar on the upcoming National Library of Medicine PubMed page redesign. David Gillikin, Chief of NLM’s Bibliographic Services, will review the draft design for the new search results page and abstract view in PubMed. This webinar is a repeat of the presentation at the NLM Online Users’ Meeting at the Medical Library Association’s annual conference in May.

IMPORTANT: This webinar is free and open to NN/LM members in the MAR, NER, and SE/A regions only. Because participation is limited, we ask that you do not forward this message to individuals outside the MAR, NER, and SE/A areas. This webinar will be offered separately in other regions.

No pre-registration is required. Participation will be open on a first come, first served basis.
***Admission to the session will close 5 minutes after the start time of 2:00pm***

Meeting Name: PubMed Redesign MAR, NER, SEA
When: Wednesday, 08/26/2009, 2:00-3:00 pm

To join the meeting: Log in early(up to 15 minutes before the class start time) by using this link:

Note: This will get you to the visual portion of the presentation.

To get the audio: After joining the meeting, a pop up window will ask for your phone number. This will allow the system to call you.
If you need to manually dial into the meeting: Call 1-877-239-6389, Pass-Code: 265688

TEST YOUR CONNECTION AHEAD OF TIME: If you have never attended an Adobe Connect Pro meeting before, please test your connection prior to the webinar:

Grant and Proposal Writing e-learning opportunity

The NN/LM-NER’s RFP for Health Information Outreach is due September 25, 2009. 


This MLA CE e-learning opportunity will give you tips and tools to help you apply for funding.   Designed for beginning grant proposal writers, this class presents a general overview of the grant and funding processes as well as the level of detail required in a successful proposal. Each component of the grant writing process will be addressed, including: documenting the need; identifying the target population; writing measurable objectives; developing a work plan, budget, an evaluation plan and dissemination plan. Learn about funding opportunities through the NN/LM, NLM and other sources. Participants will have the opportunity to draft objectives, methods and evaluation plans for a potential proposal.


This program will be offered in two teleconferences via Adobe Connect with an optional project.  The project is to create a mini-proposal. 



·         Friday, August 14, 2009, 10:30 AM – 12 PM

This program will highlight the basics of applying for NN/LM – New England Region funding as well as highlight examples of successful projects and awards.

 ·         Friday, August 21, 2009, 10:30 AM – 12 PM

This program will highlight the basics of writing a proposal and developing a budget.

 ·         Optional project due September 2, 2009.

Develop a sample health information outreach proposal.  An outline will be shared with participants.

 To receive MLA CE, participants must attend both programs and complete the project.  Students not interested in MLA CE are welcome to attend one or both programs.

 To register and access teleconference information, go to:

Funding Opportunities Now Available

NER announces the availability of subcontract and awards for 2009 through April 2010. More subcontract funding is available this year!
Network members can apply for funding for extended and short-term projects in support of outreach, technology improvement, and professional development. Proposals are also encouraged from community-based agencies and organizations working with providers and patients or other agencies seeking to conduct a health information project.There are two major categories of available funds: subcontracts and awards.

Subcontracts fund extended health information outreach projects that generally run from 12 to 18 months. Projects can target health care providers, public health workers, and/or consumers. The aim of outreach is to broaden access to health information to audiences not normally reached. Outreach projects should provide opportunities to feature and promote National Library of Medicine resources.

This year there are funds for one $40,000 subcontract and two $25,000 subcontracts.
Proposals are due September 25, 2009.
Awardees will be contacted on or before October 30, 2009.
Funded projects can begin their performance period after January 1, 2010.

The complete Request for Proposal (RFP) is available at

Proposals are accepted from Full or Affiliate members of the NN/LM NER. Successful projects include partnerships with other affiliate members, public health agencies, state, county and /or local public health agencies and community-based groups.


Awards are made for smaller-scale projects for outreach, library improvement, and professional development for health care providers, public health professionals, and consumers.

Community Engagement Awards support short-term outreach projects for advancing health information.
Course Development Awards support the development of instructional programs.
Exhibits Awards are for members’ participation at venues that promote health information resources.
Technology Awareness Program Awards fund learning programs for the application of technology in health information.
Internet Connectivity Awards fund the expanded access to health information needed in libraries and other settings.

There’s more information for both subcontracts and awards available at

Subcontracts and Awards provide opportunities for Network Members to enhance their services and raise their visibility throughout their community or institution.

Please contact Javier Crespo if you have any questions or want to talk about project possibilities you’ve been thinking about.

Scribner Named Caregiver of the Year

Emily Scribner, Medical Librarian at the Franklin Memorial Hospital in Maine, was name Caregiver of the Year for the Franklin Memorial Health Network. Highlights of her outstanding work include transforming the library into a vibrant electronic research center, serving as a patient advocate by supporting medical and nursing students health information needs and generating grant support.  The Franklin Memorial Hospital Medical Library Outreach project, originally funded by the NN/LM, New England Region in 2005, provided onsite and offsite training for health professional, public librarians and consumers in Farmington, Maine. 

 Learn more about this story from the Sun Journal.

TOXMAP improvements

Announcing several improvements to TOXMAP.

MLA Annual Meeting CD-ROM

The NN/LM – New England Region just received several copies of the Medical Library Association Annual Meeting CD-ROM. 

Please contact Martha Pearson at if you would like to borrow it.


Also, we have copies of the MLA web casts. MLA CE contact hours are awarded for watching the web casts.


Check out the NN/LM –New England Region Lending Library.



Curtis Memorial Library awarded Community Day

The Curtis Memorial Library in Brunswick, Maine is one of three public libraries in the United States awarded Community Day funding by the NN/LM.

Community Day is a pilot project sponsored by NLM and the NN/LM. The goal of Community Day is to assist libraries in becoming active partners in their community’s emergency preparedness, response and recovery planning. Community Day is also to make libraries part of the nationwide effort encouraging all Americans to take simple steps in preparing for possible emergencies in their homes, businesses, schools and communities.

The objectives of Community Day are:

  1. Strengthen and expand health sciences and public library partnerships.
  2. Encourage, strengthen and/or expand library partnerships with first responders.
  3. Provide access to emergency management information tools and resources.
  4. Integrate and involve libraries in their community’s emergency preparedness, response and recovery planning.
  5. Promote and publicize the role libraries can play in emergency preparedness.

The Curtis Memorial Library is partnering with MidCoast Hospital, Parkview Adventist Medical Center, the Brunswick Fire Department and the Southern Maine Regional Resource Center for Public Health Emergency Preparedness.  The library will host Community Day on September 12, 2009 to disseminate emergency preparedness information as a necessary precursor for residents to develop emergency preparedness plans and kits.  The library and Fire Department will also collaborate to create an emergency preparedness page on the library’s web site.  Topics for Community Day include weather emergencies (hurricanes and ice storms), household emergencies (fire, poisons, carbon monoxide exposure) and public health emergencies (epidemics of emerging diseases and outdoor survival).  Community Day at Curtis Memorial Library will feature exhibits and demonstrations, fire equipment and a smoke house, drawings for Red Cross emergency preparedness kits and for a Basic Emergency Supply Kit, a handwashing clinic, and a scavenger hunt for kits.  The public will receive laminated disaster preparedness booklets, exhibitor materials and mini hand sanitizers.

The New England Region is very pleased to have a library from our region selected as one of the three libraries in the country to host Community Day.

Health Literacy Month

No, it’s not October yet.  But, now you have a unique opportunity to share health literacy stories.  The Health Literacy Month site will highlight a story a day during October 2009.  Helen Osborne, President of Health Literacy Consulting, is coordinating Health Literacy Month.  Health Literacy Month is an opportunity to get the word out about the importance of health literacy by capturing stories in words, pictures and sound that highlight this important issue.  Your stories are needed!  Learn more about how to share your stories on the Health Literacy Month site.

NIH News in Health, July issue

Check out the July issue of NIH News in Health, the monthly newsletter bringing you practical health news and tips based on the latest NIH research.  

This edition features articles about:

  • body image 
  • hydration
  • well water testing for kids health 
  • what’s living on your skin? 

To request print copies free of charge for your library, doctor’s office or institution, please email or call 301-435-7489 for more information.

To recommend topics for upcoming issues or share how you use the newsletter, visit the NIH News in Health Facebook wall .