



JACK ON THE FLOOR - Where are the jobs in Douglas?

July 29th, 2009 by Legislative Staff

In case you missed it, Jack spoke on the floor yesterday and read a letter from a constituent in Douglas which asks, “Where are the jobs?”  To view the clip, click below:

JACK ON THE FLOOR - The need for real debate

July 26th, 2009 by Legislative Staff

In case you missed it, Jack spoke on the floor of the House about the need for real debate on healthcare reform.  Be it President Bush’s failed Wall Street bailout or President Obama’s failed “stimulus,” we’ve seen the dangers of rushing through legislation based on the “Washington knows best” mentality.  If we’re going to enact meaningful reform, we need real debate.

JACK ON THE FLOOR - Washington doesn’t know best

July 21st, 2009 by Legislative Staff

Jack spoke on the House floor today about the “Washington knows best” approach taken by President Obama to force through his socialized medicine proposal. It was this same mentality that President Bush and Secretary Paulsen used to rush through the failed Wall Street bailout and that President Obama along with Speaker Pelosi used in January to rush through the President’s failed “stimulus”. If Washington knew best, these would have worked. It’s time to slow down the discussion and look at the failures of the past so we don’t repeat the same mistakes again.

JACK ON THE FLOOR - Agriculture Appropriations

July 8th, 2009 by Legislative Staff

Jack, who serves as the Ranking Member of the House Agriculture Appropriations Committee, speaks on the house floor about the FY 2010 Agriculture Appropriations bill.

JACK ON THE FLOOR - All Dressed up with No Place to Go

July 8th, 2009 by Legislative Staff

Congressman Jack Kingston (R/GA-1) speaks on the floor of the House about the need for more openess in debating issues. Rather than the tight lipped, iron clad, straight jacketed-rules which are consistently adopted to shut out the voices of the majority of Americans - Democrats and Republicans alike. Congressman Kingston believes the House, and America, would do well with more open rules and more debates to foster the spirit of bipartisanship and allow for cross-polination of ideas.

JACK ON THE FLOOR - Czars in the Administration

July 8th, 2009 by Legislative Staff

Jack on the House floor this morning in regards to the overwhelming reliance on specially appointed czars by the Obama Administration.  As you may remember, Jack offered an amendment last night that would have withheld funding from these czars until they are Senate confirmed.

With six-figure salaries and staff abounding, why should the American people be forced to pay millions of their tax dollars for these czars that have bypassed Congress?

To be sure, this isn’t just a Republican concern - Senator Robert Byrd (D-WV), the President Pro Tempore of the Democrat-controlled Senate, released this statement back in February expressing his concern on the issue.

Jack calls attention to Hinesville during debate on National Defense Authorization Act

June 25th, 2009 by Legislative Staff

Jack spoke on the House floor today to discuss the economic impact on the City of Hinesville and Liberty County a recent Army decision to no longer direct a 5th BCT to the area.  To view the colloquy, click below.

Transcript after the break…

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JACK ON THE FLOOR - Bike Boondoggle

June 19th, 2009 by Legislative Staff

 Jack spoke today on the House floor during debate on the Legislative Branch Appropriations Bill and offered an amendment which would strike $100,000 in funding for a program that provides bicycles for rent (free of charge, of course) to House staff.  The problem - bikes are only available for rental between 8-5 (when staff should, in theory, be working) and cannot be used overnight or over the weekend.  To make things worse you can’t even get the correct information on renting a bike from the website which advertises the program!  A little common sense set in this time and House Democrats voted overwhelmingly in support of  Jack’s measure.

JACK ON THE FLOOR - Guantanamo

June 11th, 2009 by Legislative Staff

Jack spoke on the House floor today during debate on the Supplemental Appropriations bill in regards to Guantanamo and it’s necessity to our national security.  To view the clip, click below.

JACK ON THE FLOOR - Dim Energy Agenda

May 19th, 2009 by Legislative Staff

Jack spoke on the floor of the House regarding the Democrat’s dim energy agenda. As they prepare to institute a national energy tax, known as “Cap and Tax,” to combat global warming, they are shying away from the term and trying to rebrand it as global climate change. Jack, who rides his bike to work, noted that it was a balmy 49 degrees on his way to the Capitol this morning even though it’s the middle of May. He goes on to note that Democrats seek to exclude nuclear energy from America’s energy portfolio even though it’s safe enough for 4 in 5 households in France.


April 30th, 2009 by Legislative Staff

Jack speaks on the floor of the House during debate on the Democrat budget resolution which nearly triples the national debt over ten years, uses gimmicks to hide the outrageous spending, and abuses the budget process to force through major changes in health care and student loans, and possibly the President’s cap and tax proposal as well.

 To watch the speech, click below:

JACK ON THE FLOOR - Budget Reality

April 2nd, 2009 by Jack

Jack spoke on the floor about the need to make tough choices to cut spending and provide for a brighter future for future generations. Congressman Kingston supported a budget that would have cut spending, reduced the national debt, and empowered small businesses and working families to realize a brighter economic future.

To view the clip, click below:

JACK ON THE FLOOR - Democrats do the Crawfish

April 1st, 2009 by Legislative Staff

Jack spoke today on the House floor about House Democrats’ efforts to “crawfish” from the problems they created. After passing an unconstitutional bill of attainder last week to block the AIG bonuses which they allowed, they’re at it again trying to fix the problems they created. As you may remember, Senators Wyden (D-Ore.) and Snowe (R-Maine) successfully added an amendment that would block excessive bonuses to executives at bailed out firms. Senator Dodd, however, worked under the direction of the Obama Administration to have that language stripped before it was signed into law.

To view a clip of the speech, click below:

JACK ON THE FLOOR - A Bicycle Made for Two (upper class neighborhoods, that is)

March 24th, 2009 by Legislative Staff

Jack took to the floor this afternoon to discuss the latest spending boondoggle for House Democrats.  What now, you ask?  They’ve allocated $3 million for two of DC’s upper class neighborhoods - Adams Morgan and Georgetown - to install new bicycle racks and to purchase 400 new bicycles.  Why is the federal government purchasing 400 new bicycles for two of DC’s poshest neighborhoods?  House Democrats are intent on spending too much, borrowing too much and taxing too much.

To view a clip of Jack’s speech, click below: