Senate Committee on Homeland Security & Governmental Affairs

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Offline and Off-budget: The Dismal State of Information Technology Planning in the Federal Government

Subcommittee on Federal Financial Management, Government Information, Federal Services, and International Security

Thursday, July 31, 2008
09:30 AM

The hearing will highlight the current management, reporting, and oversight of the federal government’s IT portfolio. The first panel will discuss the major reasons why agencies rebaseline their projects, whether appropriate guidance is in place, and what the federal government can do to make sure IT projects are delivered on-time and on-budget. The second panel will take a solutions-oriented approach to ensuring high-cost mission critical IT investments are effectively managed.

Agency Report Cards on IT Investment Planning and Management


Panel 1

  • Karen S. Evans [view testimony]
    Administrator, Office of Electronic Government and Information Technology
    Office of Management and Budget
  • The Honorable Paul A. Denett [view testimony]
    Office of Federal Procurement Policy, Office of Management and Budget
  • David A. Powner [view testimony]
    Director, Information Technology Issues
    U.S. Government Accountability Office

Panel 2

July 2008 Hearings

July 2008

31st A Reliance on Smart Power - Reforming the Foreign Assistance Bureuacracy
2:00 PM
31st Joint Hearing (Senate Subcommittee on Disaster Recovery & House Subcommittee on Emergency Communications, Preparedness, and Response) - Lessons Learned: Ensuring the Delivery of Donated Goods to Survivors of Catastrophes
1:00 PM
31st Offline and Off-budget: The Dismal State of Information Technology Planning in the Federal Government
9:30 AM
30th Planning for Post-Catastrophe Housing Needs: Has FEMA Developed an Effective Strategy for Housing Large Numbers of Citizens Displaced by Disaster?
12:00 PM
30th Business Meeting
10:15 AM
29th Payroll Tax Abuse: Businesses Owe Billions and What Needs To Be Done About It
9:00 AM
25th Tax Haven Banks and U. S. Tax Compliance
9:30 AM
24th Improving Federal Program Management using Performance Information
2:30 PM
23rd Information Sharing: Connecting the Dots at the Federal, State, and Local Levels
10:00 AM
22nd Improving Performance: A Review of Pay-for-Performance Systems in the Federal Government
2:00 PM
22nd Energy Security: An American Imperative
9:30 AM
17th Major Disaster Recovery: Assessing FEMA's Performance Since Katrina
2:30 PM
17th Tax Haven Banks and U. S. Tax Compliance
9:30 AM
16th A Domestic Crisis with Global Implications: Reviewing the Human Capital Crisis at the State Department
2:00 PM
16th The Global Nuclear Detection Architecture: Are We Building Domestic Defenses That Will Make the Nation Safer?
10:00 AM
10th The Roots of Violent Islamist Extremism and Efforts to Counter It
9:30 AM
09th Medicare Vulnerabilities: Payments for Claims Tied to Deceased Doctors
10:00 AM
02nd Securing the Northern Border: Views from the Front Lines
10:00 AM

Hearings Calendar

Aug 2009
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9 10 11 12 13 14 15
16 17 18 19 20 21 22
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