Street Naming Honors Fallen War Hero's Sacrifice

By Stephanie Gaskell, New York Daily News.

The sign at W. 185th St. and Wadsworth Ave. in Washington Heights now reads: "Corporal Juan M. Alcantara Way."

It's a small token for the family of Alcantara, who was killed in combat in Iraq nearly two years ago.

But it's a lasting one.

"People are going to walk by and ask, 'Who is Cpl. Juan Alcantara?'" said his sister Fredelinda Lena, a 27-year-old NYPD officer. "I want people to remember that behind that plaque is pride, honor and heroism."

Alcantara's wife, Sayonara, held their daughter, Jaylani, in her arms as the sign was unveiled Monday just a few doors down from the family's apartment.

Jaylani was born weeks before Alcantara was killed and never got to meet her father, but the street sign will be a constant reminder of his bravery and sacrifice.

"It'll be there forever," Sayonara said.

Alcantara, 22, and three of his fellow soldiers were killed by an improvised explosive device while clearing a house in Baquba on Aug. 6, 2007. They were assigned to the 1st Battalion, 23rd Infantry Regiment, 3rd Brigade of the 2nd Infantry Division. Rep. Charles Rangel (D-Harlem) said Alcantara's death hit close to home.

"In 1950, I wore the same uniform," said Rangel, a decorated veteran of the storied 2nd Infantry Division, which took heavy losses during the Korean War.

"We take so much for granted," he said.

Alcantara, a native of the Dominican Republic, was posthumously awarded U.S. citizenship soon after his death.

Una Calle Para Soldado Dominicano, El Diario NY







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