The Lugar Energy Initiative - Energy Efficiency
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Energy Efficiency Around the Home

Appliances: A wide array of energy efficient household appliances exist including washer-dryers, refrigerators, microwave ovens, dishwashers, air conditioners, and dehumidifiers. Using them can save The EnergyStar logo.consumers up to $100 per year in energy costs. The Energy Star symbol identifies these efficient technologies.

Energy Star appliances incorporate advanced technologies that use 10 to 50 percent less energy and water than traditional models. Because the production of electricity emits carbon dioxide, a dangerous greenhouse gas, the Department of Energy estimates that if just one out of ten homes switched to efficient appliances, it would have the same impact as planting 1.7 million carbon absorbing trees.

Electronics: Multimedia devices like TVs, VCRs, and DVD players are some of the most energy-intensive household products because they consume energy even when they are turned off. Replacing this equipment with Energy Star models would be equivalent to removing 3 million cars from the road.

Heating and Cooling: Almost half of the energy used in a typical home powers heating and cooling equipment. A few simple action steps can go a long way towards making individual homes more efficient. First, changing a home’s air filters regularly and performing yearly tune-ups to HVAC systems saves energy. Second, installing a programmable thermostat regulates energy use, allowing consumers to set the times during which the heat can be turned down or the air conditioning can be turned up (such as when occupants are sleeping or out of the house). The Energy Star website offers more HVAC system suggestions, as well as the Energy Star Guide to Efficient Heating and Cooling The Adobe Reader logo..

Lighting: Replacing traditional incandescent light bulbs with energy efficient compact florescent light bulbs results in dramatic energy savings. These bulbs use 75 percent less electricity and last 10 times longer. Though the initial cost is slightly higher than traditional light bulbs, they save consumers $30 over the life of the bulb – in some cases individual bulbs last eight years. Using the efficient lighting technology could eliminate the need to build additional fossil fuel electricity plants.

Electricity: Several energy efficient options for producing electricity exist. Individual solar panels can be installed on roofs or walls for under [x] dollars. In addition, small scale wind turbines are available for sale for between $5,000 and $10,000. These technologies allow consumers to produce electricity independent of the electric grid, reducing the need for fossil fuels. In addition, many utility companies allow for net metering – a system that allows consumers to receive retail credit from utility companies for using independent sources to contribute to the total electricity supply.

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