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July 17, 2006

Week of July 17, 2006

  • H.J.Res 88 -  Constitutional Amendment to Prohibit Same Sex Marriages

Bill Text:
HTML Version
PDF Version 
Summary and Status
CRS Report - Same-Sex Marriages: Legal Issues

  • H.R. 2389 - Pledge Protection Bill

Bill Text:
HTML Version
PDF Version
Summary and Status
CRS Report - The Constitutionality of including "Under God" in the Pledge of Allegiance

  • H.R. 5684 - U.S.- Oman Free Trade Agreement Implementation Act

Bill Text:
HTML Version
PDF Version    
House Report and Background: 
House Report HTML Version (Not Yet Available)
House Report PDF Version (Not Yet Available)
Summary and Status
CRS Report - Proposed U.S.-Oman Free Trade Agreement
CRS Report - Free-Trade Agreements - Impact on U.S. Trade and Implications for U.S. Trade Policy

  • Possible VETO OVERRIDE of H.R. 810 - Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act

Bill Text:
HTML Version
PDF Version 
Summary and Status
CRS Report - Background and Legal Issues Related to Stem Cell Research


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