Dodd Congratulates UConn Dean on Receiving the Presidential Award for Excellence
August 6, 2009

Senator Chris Dodd (D-CT) released the following statement today congratulating Dr. Cato Laurencin on being awarded the Presidential Award for Excellence in Science, Mathematics and Engineering Mentoring.


“I want to congratulate Dr. Laurencin on receiving this prestigious award,” said Dodd. “His leadership and vision have helped ensure that the University of Connecticut School of Medicine remains a premiere institution for both research and education.  Dr. Laurencin has mentored and supported numerous students, providing them with important academic and personal support. I applaud Dr. Laurencin for his commitment to his students’ future success.”


The Presidential Award for Excellence is awarded each year to individuals and organizations and recognizes the importance that mentoring plays in the academic and personal development of students studying science and engineering.


Laurencin is the Dean of the University of Connecticut School of Medicine and Vice President for Health Affairs at the University of Connecticut Health Center. He has been named one of America’s Top Doctors and one of the 100 engineers of the modern era by the American Institute of Chemical Engineers.


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