Health Care


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UPDATE: 06.24.09 The heads of the three committees with jurisdiction over health care policy − Charles Rangel of Ways & Means, Henry Waxman of Energy & Commerce, and George Miller of Education & Labor − release draft legislation that reforms our health care system. Read it here.

UPDATE: 06.09.09 An outline of potential reform released. Read a copy here.

My Position: The health of our citizens should remain foremost on our minds. As the leading power and example in the world, this country should strive to carve out a premier health care system that works for everyone, not just the politically connected, not just the moneyed. For every American, we have safeguarded the promise of life, liberty, and happiness – and we ought to make good on that. We can have none of the three without adequate health care. This should be our national pride: to continually develop and improve upon our remarkable successes in medicine, to shape and mold a health care system that is the envy of the world.

Congress must expand health care to the 45 million individuals who still lack coverage.  Medicare has ensured that older Americans have coverage.  We must do the same for our nation’s children and working population.

We can show them that we care by outfitting them with a health care system that is affordable, universal, and driven less by profits and more by compassion and humanitarianism. We can show them that we care by investing in the research, techniques, and technologies that promise to one day cure age-old, debilitating diseases that plague millions – and not play politics when our citizens' livelihoods are at stake.




Press Releases Tagged :: Health Care

Rangel Takes Lead on Health Reform

W&M: Ways and Means Members Discuss Health Reform with President Obama

Rangel Hosts More Than 500 Leaders at Upper Manhattan Economic Recovery Summit

Congress Passes Economic Recovery Package

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Opinion Editorials Tagged :: Health Care

Standing Up for Our Children and Their Health Care

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Articles Tagged :: Health Care

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Blog Entries Tagged :: Health Care

Words of Support from the President

Rangel 'Face(s) the Nation' on Health Care

Health Care Reform Poll Results

Health Care Reform Draft Bill

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Photos Tagged :: Health Care

National Nurses' Week @ North General Hospital

Rangel Hosts More Than 500 Leaders at Upper Manhattan Economic Recovery Summit

African Americans, Foster Care Conference

City Hall Medicaid Press Conference

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Video Tagged :: Health Care

Rangel On Face the Nation Re: Health Care

Confronting this Economic Crisis Together

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