[NIFL-ESL:10153] Re: layers of meaning

From: Ujwala Samant (lalumineuse@yahoo.com)
Date: Wed Mar 31 2004 - 04:54:47 EST

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Subject: [NIFL-ESL:10153] Re: layers of meaning
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> It is a sad thing more people don't find you funny.

If you've been lurking on the list, you would know
that humour is in extremely short supply on this and
other NIFL listservs. Andres is one person always
looking for humour, and most often, it is with regard
to himself and his life.
> I think you were referring to the word "Alien" in
> the following sentence:
> Don't forget this idea, you are not alien to it.  
> Out of context, you have given the word "Alien"
> (meaning "you are not
> excluded from, or exempt)and given it a different
> meaning, personally, to
> attack me; which I don't mind because I don't let
> those who don't know me
> offend me.  You see, I make that choice, not you.<<

I think you are doing exactly what you accuse Andres
of doing. The choice is not mine, the title Immigrant
Alien is given to us. Alien as opposed to say new
immigrant? And that is not nitpicking, but it is a
better descriptor of who these people are. Alien does
have connotations, not all of which are positive. For
me, it was funny, but evidently not to everyone. So,
they do have a right to express their views on how
they feel about the title bestowed on them.
> Overall, (I am giving you credit here) I think we
> all know what you are
> trying to say.  You are making an argument for
> political correctness and a
> higher level of consciousness about the word choices
> we make.  Instead of
> making this very clear from the beginning, instead
> you have opted to try and
> destroy whatever good my idea could have added to
> this very important issue.<

If anything, I have enjoyed Janet's Andres's and your
postngs (again, in my humble opinion of course)
because they have all expanded the discussion and
brought a range of opinions to the table. 

> You see Andres, you are not the only one that has an
> opinion on this issue.
> It is good to listen sometimes.  Don't be blinded by
> your own prejudices.
> Give others a voice, <<

This list does allow a host of voices, and dissent to
be aired. Look at how this discussion began, with
Tanya's post, and since then there have been
clarifications, dissent, agreement, boredom, all sorts
of ideas thrown out. And as Janet said, your ideas,
just as Andres's have made us think again.

>but I suggest that the
> world always has so much
> more to offer than you alone could ever offer the
> world.<<

I completely agree with what you say, but remember
every voice counts, and in that case your voice is
just as important as mine, Janet's, Linda's and

Ujwala Samant

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