[NIFL-ESL:10144] Re: layers of meaning

From: Linda Flores (lflores@vnacarenetwork.org)
Date: Tue Mar 30 2004 - 13:41:51 EST

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Subject: [NIFL-ESL:10144] Re: layers of meaning
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well said Janet.  I gree!

Linda G. Flores 
Program Assistant 

Culture Competency & Women's Health Network
VNA Care Network 
888-663-3688 X-4723
Tel: 781-455-6661     Fax:781-444-5393

-----Original Message-----
From: nifl-esl@nifl.gov [mailto:nifl-esl@nifl.gov]On Behalf Of Janet
Sent: Tuesday, March 30, 2004 10:37 AM
To: Multiple recipients of list
Subject: [NIFL-ESL:10143] Re: layers of meaning

Andres and all

I can't clarify Eugenio's post ; they're his words, not mine.  One 
important thought I've taken from these posts is the notion of 
positionality, of who speaks for whom, when, why, in whose interests. 
Who am I to say what labels or names make sense for anyone but 
myself?  Cultural competence, broadly, seems to address a whole 
spectrum of thought that the list may or may not wish to explore.

The purpose of our communication here, I hope, is to help one another 
think more broadly, be better teachers and learners and not assume 
one thing or another.  Or if we do make assumptions, we need to state 
them clearly, and be open to other ways of thinking about things.

Issues like racism and xenophobia are very complex; some of the 
suggestions and readings offered are very useful tools for working 
through questions and thoughts about all of the above.


>Janet, et al:
>I didn't quite understand Eugenio's post. I got the part that we 
>needed to read beyond the words. However, I didn't understand what 
>exactly he was criticizing. Can you clarify.
>In a message dated 3/30/2004 12:23:41 PM Eastern Standard Time, 
>Janet_Isserlis@Brown.edu writes:
>>  more thanks, too, to Eugenio, and others for helping us see
>>  more
>>  clearer, think more carefully.
>>  Janet
>>  >Thank you Eugenio, especially for these words:
>>  >"Literacy is not a language only of letters; it
>>  >includes that which is seen, heard, felt, and
>>  >perceived."
>>  >-Colleen
>>  >
>go here: www.geocities.com/andresmuro/art.html
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