[NIFL-ESL:9929] RE: Staff Diversity in ABE ESOL Programs

From: Janet Isserlis (Janet_Isserlis@Brown.edu)
Date: Wed Feb 18 2004 - 12:27:01 EST

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Subject: [NIFL-ESL:9929] RE: Staff Diversity in ABE ESOL Programs
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Donna, Maria and others

Exactly.  It *is* an issue and one that I think many of us struggle 
with.  The tensions between welcoming people into a field with little 
full time work, small public recognition, little security,  but huge 
learning opportunities makes it all the more complicated when trying 
to reach out to diverse groups of educators.  That difficulty, 
however, is no justification for ignoring the issue.

>  What do you think?  Does your program have a diverse staff?  If so, why is
it so?  If not, why do you think it's so?   Does your state have a similar
goal for state-funded DOE programs?  If so, are they posted somewhere so I
can access the information?

I don't honestly know that RI has an articulated goal about 
diversity, but think this is an excellent moment for RI and other 
states to address the goal, as RFP's are being prepared and programs 
are working on planning stages for the coming fiscal year.    I think 
this wording is very useful:

>  ..the goal that staff reflect similar cultural,
racial/ethnic, and linguistic background as that of the student population."

and problematizing the reasons why the goal is difficult to meet is 
one well worth our time and energies.

thank you for bringing this to the forefront.

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