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Automating the production of bibliographic records for MEDLINE

8 Lexical analysis to improve recognition

Two problems observed in production proved to be amenable to lexical analysis techniques. The first problem was the excessive number of highlighted characters (which were actually correct, but assigned a low confidence level by the OCR system, and hence highlighted on the screen.) The second problem was the large number of character errors in the detected affiliations field, a consequence of small font size and italic attribute in the printed text in that field. Both problems placed an additional burden on the reconcile operators to correct and verify the text. Two modules, developed to solve these problems and reduce the operator labor, exploit the specialized vocabulary found in biomedical journals. While the modules use different techniques, both employ specially selected lexicons to modify the OCR text that is presented to the reconcile operators.

8.1 Lexical analysis to reduce highlighted words

8.1.1 Problem Statement

The Prime Recognition OCR system was selected for its high rate of correctly recognized characters (high detection accuracy) and the very low number of incorrectly recognized characters that were assigned a high confidence value (low false positives). Confidence levels lie in a range between 1 and 9. Trading off the low percentage of false positives, we found that over 90% of words containing low confidence characters are actually correct, and that these characters should have been assigned a value of 9 by the OCR system. To draw the reconcile operators' attention to characters that may need correction, all low confidence characters are highlighted in red on the reconcile workstation screen. When these are mostly correct, the operators are unnecessarily burdened by having to examine and tab through them. Figure 8.1.1 shows a portion of the reconcile screen, with characters highlighted incorrectly, i.e., with the original confidence values from the OCR system.

OCR text showing 20 characters highlighted as possibly incorrect.
Figure 8.1.1

In this example, part of the bitmapped image of the abstract field is displayed at the top of the screen and the corresponding OCR output text is displayed at the bottom. Although all of the OCR text is correct in this example, many characters are highlighted in red. Our objective is to reduce this number of highlighted characters.

8.1.2 Approach

To reduce the number of (incorrectly) highlighted characters, we designed a module to automatically increase the confidence level of characters detected correctly by the OCR system. This module locates each word in the title and abstract fields that contains any low confidence characters, checks for the word in a lexicon and, if the word is found, changes the confidence of all its characters to 9, the highest value.

A study was undertaken to determine criteria (heuristic rules) for selecting words to be checked and a lexicon suitable for biomedical journal articles. The key element of the study was the creation of a ground truth dataset with which to compare lexicons and lookup criteria. The ground truth data consisted of 5,692 OCR output words containing low confidence characters extracted from journals already processed by the MARS system. Each of these words was compared to the corresponding word in the final, verified bibliographic record created by MARS to determine if the OCR word was correct or not. Candidate lexicons and lookup criteria were evaluated with the goal of removing low confidence values from ground truth words that were correct, while retaining the low confidence values for those words that were not correct. Removing low confidence values from correct words is the "benefit" of the module. Removing low confidence values from incorrect words is the potential "cost" of the module.

8.1.3 Experiments and results

Four candidate lexicons were created from various word lists maintained by the National Library of Medicine with the expectation that these would contain a preponderance of the biomedical words found in journal articles indexed in MEDLINE. The four lexicons and their combinations were tested along with several lookup criteria involving word length and character confidence levels. As expected, there was a tradeoff between benefit and cost. A large lexicon and no lookup restrictions removed low confidence values from over 90% of the OCR correct words (a 90% benefit), but also removed low confidence values from over 60% of the OCR incorrect words (a 60% cost). To ensure the integrity of the final text, it was considered on balance more important to minimize cost than to maximize benefit.

Three combinations of lexicons and lookup criteria resulted in acceptable costs of less than 0.5% and benefits greater than 40%. The final choice correctly removed low confidence values from 46% of the correct OCR words and incorrectly removed low confidence values from 0.4% of the incorrect OCR words. The selected lexicon consists of unique words derived from the 1997 editions of NLM's SPECIALIST Lexicon and UMLS Metathesaurus. There are two levels of lookup criteria: 1) Words less than four characters in length, or containing no alphabetic characters are not checked. 2) Words less than six characters in length are not checked if any of the confidence values are less than 7. All other words containing low confidence characters are compared to the lexicon. If the word is found, the confidence values for all the characters are changed to 9, the highest value.

8.1.4 Implementation

The lexicon checking module was implemented at two phases of the project, the first for the MARS-1 system and later for the MARS-2 system. For the MARS-1 system it was implemented as a console application, written in C and developed in the Microsoft Visual C++ development environment. The selected lexicon was compressed and organized into a special dictionary format for fast searching using the commercially available software, Visual Speller. In production, it was found that in the MARS-1 system, lexicon checking reduced the highlighted words on average from approximately 14% of the words presented for verification at the reconcile workstation to approximately 6.5%. This 50% reduction in highlighted words resulted in a 4% increase in production rate, and was reported in the literature.21

For the MARS-2 system another module was developed to implement the algorithm described above. This module, a console application called Confidence Edit, is written in C++ in the Microsoft Visual Studio development environment. As is the case for all MARS-2 modules, it reads data records from the system database and creates new records with edited (increased) confidence values. The lexicon is also stored in a database table. When Confidence Edit starts, it loads the lexicon into a ternary search tree in memory. The memory structure is compact, supports very fast lookup and presents no load on the database server. In the MARS-2 system, Confidence Edit has reduced highlighted words in the abstract field from approximately 7.5% to approximately 4.3%, using the same lexicon and lookup criteria as used by the original MARS-1 module. Figure 8.2 illustrates the effect of processing by Confidence Edit on the same document shown in Figure 8.1. Most of the characters are no longer highlighted.

Improvements made since Confidence Edit was placed in production included an addition of 9,386 words to the lexicon. These were obtained by extracting all the words found in the verified and corrected abstracts from over 27,000 journals (= 230,000 articles) processed by MARS-1 and MARS-2 from May 1997 to April 2001, and using the frequency of occurrence of each word during that period. New words occurring at a frequency of 50 or more were added to the lexicon. Remaining words that occurred at least twice were checked against nine electronic dictionaries that are available to NLM. If the word was found in Dorland's Medical Dictionary, in the Oxford Medical Dictionary, or in at least six other dictionaries, it was added to the lexicon. When the new lexicon was tested with the original ground truth data, a 4% improvement in benefit with no increase in cost was measured. Similar statistics were found with a selected set of test journals. Using the expanded lexicon, Confidence Edit has reduced the percentage of highlighted words in the abstract field to approximately 3.5%, a modest improvement.

The improved lexical analysis reduced the incorrectly highlighted letters to 5.
Figure 8.1.2

8.2 Lexical analysis to improve recognition of Affiliations

8.2.1 Problem Statement

As noted previously, although the commercial OCR system used by MARS performs well in general, accuracy is often poor for small fonts or italic characters. In particular, authors' affiliations frequently appear as small and/or italic characters, resulting in many incorrect characters in the affiliation field. Consequently, the final check and correction of the affiliation field requires a disproportionate amount of human labor compared to other fields extracted by our automated system. We observed that for about one in five affiliations, there were so many highlighted words that the operators preferred to type the entire affiliation rather than examine and correct each word. Not only was this time consuming, but also represented a potential source of error in the completed bibliographic record because fields manually entered at the reconcile workstation are not double-keyed as at the edit stage. In this section we describe the experiments that led to the design and implementation of the PatternMatch module that corrects words in the affiliation field.

8.2.2 Approach

Words that frequently appear in the affiliation field in biomedical journals are drawn from a relatively small vocabulary that denote institutions and their divisions, such as University and Department, the various branches of medicine and biology, such as Pathology and Biophysics, and names of cities, states and countries. A study was undertaken to determine if partial string matching or other matching techniques could exploit the limited vocabulary to reliably find the correct word from a lexicon of affiliation words given an OCR output word containing low confidence characters.

As in the previously described problem, a key component of this study was a ground truth dataset to compare matching techniques and lexicons. Words containing low confidence characters and the confidence values for all characters were extracted from the OCR output text in the affiliations field of over five thousand journal articles processed by the MARS system. Human operators selected the corresponding correct word from the affiliation fields of the completed bibliographic records. After words that contained no alphabetic characters were removed, the ground truth data consisted of over 20 thousand triplets, where a triplet consists of an OCR output word, the confidence values for the characters in the word and the correct word. Over 60% of the OCR words in the ground truth set are correct.

Correct words and a count of their occurrences were extracted from the final, corrected affiliation field of approximately 230,000 journal articles that had already been processed by the MARS system. This set of journal articles is different from the set used to create the ground truth data. There were 96,982 unique words of 2 or more characters that occurred one or more times in this historical data. This list of words is the basis for candidate lexicons of affiliation words.

8.2.3 Experiments

Six matching techniques42 were tested using the ground truth data and the complete lexicon of affiliation words. The goal of testing was to find a technique to achieve a high match rate, a low false positive rate and fast processing. Most of the techniques return more than one potential match from a lexicon. If the correct word is among the list of returned words, it is considered a match. If no words are returned, it is considered no match. If words are returned, but none of them are the correct word, it is considered a false positive. The six techniques tested are:

Whole Word Matching. This technique compares the entire OCR output word with each word in the lexicon. Either one word is returned, or none is. Because over 60% of the OCR words in the ground truth set are correct, the match rate was reasonably high. However, when using the complete lexicon, the rate of false positives was also high because a single OCR error or omission can result in a word that is found in the lexicon. For example, several non-English variations of the word University are included in the lexicon, including Universit, Universita, Universitaire, Universitat, and Universite. If the OCR word is "Universit", whole word matching will find "Universit" even though the actual word was "University" or one of its other variations.

Partial Matching with wild card letters. In this technique, a match is sought with the "wild card" character '.' (a period) substituted for one or more of the low confidence characters in the OCR output word. Thus Partial Matching can find words in the reference dictionary where the OCR word has one or more character errors, but whose length is correct. For example, if we have an OCR word, Deparlmemt, with confidence values, 9699878956, a match would be found for Depar.me.t or D.par.me.t, but not for D.parlme.t or D.par.memt. For the same reasons as for Whole Word Matching, the false positive rate was high. In addition, the method does not find a correct match if the number of characters in the OCR word is incorrect.

Near-neighbor Matching. This technique finds all of the words in the lexicon that are within a given Hamming distance of the OCR word. Hamming distance is a measure of the difference between two finite strings of characters, expressed as the number of characters that need to be changed to obtain one from the other. For example, "Deparlmemt" and "Department" have a Hamming distance of two, whereas "Butter" and "ladder" have a Hamming distance of four. A high match rate could be achieved by specifying a large Hamming distance, but this also resulted in a high false positive rate. Near-neighbor Matching also fared poorly when the OCR word length was incorrect.

Soundex Matching. Soundex matching finds words in the lexicon that are phonetically similar to the OCR output word. This technique proved to have a number of difficulties in overcoming character substitutions caused by the OCR system. For example, the word Department would often be interpreted as Deparlment by the OCR engine. These two words are phonetically quite different since the letters 't' and 'l' do not have similar sounds, and the correct word, Department, would not be returned.

Bi-gram Search. This technique was adapted from software developed inhouse to suggest spelling alternatives for online Library clients. A bi-gram is a pair of adjacent characters in the word being analyzed. For example, Department contains nine bi-grams: De, ep, pa, ar, rt, tm, me, en, nt. For bi-gram searches, each word in the lexicon is searched for all possible bi-grams in the OCR word. Lexicon words containing multiple bi-grams in the OCR word are possible matches. Long OCR words can result in a large number of possible matches. The bi-gram prunes out unlikely candidate words through an algorithm that considers lexicon word length, OCR word length and the number of matching bi-grams. Bi-gram searches were less sensitive to OCR word length than some other techniques and resulted in a relatively high match rate. The false positive rate was also high, because one or two incorrect characters in the OCR word could result in many incorrect possible matches.

Probability Matching. Probability Matching43 was developed inhouse specifically to address the problem of poor OCR recognition of words in the affiliation field. The first step of this technique compares the OCR output word to every word in the lexicon using an edit distance based on OCR character substitution frequencies, and assigns a confidence value to each lexicon word based on the probability that the OCR word will be produced when the true word is the lexicon word. Each word receives a score that is the product of the calculated confidence and the frequency of occurrence in the lexicon. Words are then ranked according to this score, and a specified number of highest-ranking words are returned.

Probability Matching achieved the highest match rate, lowest false positive rate, and slowest processing time of the techniques tested. Because it compares the OCR word with every word in the lexicon, it can take up to 1 second per word depending on word length, computer speed and lexicon size, with larger lexicons producing better matching and slower processing.

Initial experiments suggested further study toward an acceptable multi-stage process in which "easy" words are matched reliably by a faster process, and the remaining words are matched using Probability Matching. Combinations of matching techniques and lexicon sizes were tested in an effort to reduce the false positive rate and the processing time while maintaining the high match rates that had been observed.

8.2.4 Results

The final choice was a cascaded matching process that capitalizes on the fact that over half of the OCR words are correct. It was found that trimming the lexicon to include only the most frequently occurring words significantly reduced the false positive rate of Whole Word Matching. Probability Matching with a larger lexicon for words not found by Whole Word Matching then yielded acceptable overall results with less impact on average processing time.

The first step in our cascade matching is Whole Word Matching with a lexicon of 1,948 affiliation words with an occurrence of 100 or more in the historical data. Step 1 correctly matches 45% of the ground truth data, with a false positive rate of 1.4%. The second step is Probability Matching with the entire lexicon of 43,030 affiliation words with an occurrence of 2 or more in the historical data. Step 2 correctly matches 77% of the remaining 55% of the ground truth data, with a false positive rate of 16.7%. The overall performance of cascade matching was a match rate of 86% (with the correct word ranked highest for 81% of the words), a false positive rate of 11% and an average processing time of approximately 250 ms on a 500 MHz Pentium III. The still high false positive rate has implications for the way that potential substitute words are presented to the reconcile operator.

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