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The Albert Szent-Gyorgyi Papers

Searching for a Scientific Home, 1919-1930: Documents

[Albert Szent-Gyorgyi on a hospital roof in Udine, Italy]. [1917].
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Click Metadata Record to see detailed information about each document.
Metadata Record Szent-Gyorgyi, Albert. "Zellatmung IV. Mitteilung: Uber den Oxydationsmechanismus der Kartoffeln [Cell respiration IV: On the oxidation mechanism of potatoes]." Biochemische Zeitschrift 162, (1925): 399-412. Article. 14 Images. pdf (1,454,674 Bytes) ocr (41,036 Bytes)
Metadata Record Szent-Gyorgyi, Albert. "Zellatmung V. Mitteilung: Uber den Oxydationsmechanismus einiger Pflanzen [Cell respiration V: On the oxidation mechanism of some plants]." Biochemische Zeitschrift 181, (1927): 425-432. Article. 8 Images. pdf (862,679 Bytes) ocr (24,134 Bytes)
Metadata Record Szent-Gyorgyi, Albert. "Observations on the Function of Peroxidase Systems and the Chemistry of the Adrenal Cortex: Description of a New Carbohydrate Derivative." The Biochemical Journal 22, 6 (1928): 1387-1409. Article. 24 Images. pdf (2,751,073 Bytes) ocr (67,869 Bytes)
Metadata Record Szent-Gyorgyi, Albert. "On the Function of Hexuronic Acid in the Respiration of the Cabbage Leaf." Journal of Biological Chemistry 90, 1 (January 1931): 385-393. Article. 9 Images. pdf (760,341 Bytes) ocr (18,126 Bytes)

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