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The Albert Szent-Gyorgyi Papers

Szeged, 1931-1947: Vitamin C, Muscles, and WWII: Documents

[Albert Szent-Gyorgyi receiving the Nobel Prize]. [1937].
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Metadata Record Svirbely, Joseph, and Albert Szent-Gyorgyi. "The Chemical Nature of Vitamin C." The Biochemical Journal 26, 3 (1932): 865-870. Article. 6 Images. pdf (562,801 Bytes) ocr (14,038 Bytes)
Metadata Record Svirbely, Joseph, and Albert Szent-Gyorgyi. "The Chemical Nature of Vitamin C." The Biochemical Journal 27, 1 (1933): 279-285. Article. 7 Images. pdf (623,603 Bytes) ocr (18,088 Bytes)
Metadata Record Banga, I., and Albert Szent-Gyorgyi. "The Large Scale Preparation of Ascorbic Acid from Hungarian Pepper (Capsicum annuum)." The Biochemical Journal 28, 5 (1934): 1625-1628. Article. 4 Images. pdf (446,646 Bytes) ocr (12,614 Bytes)
Metadata Record Gozsy, B., and Albert Szent-Gyorgyi. "Uber den Mechanismus der Hauptatmung des Taubenbrustmuskels [On the mechanism of primary respiration in pigeon breast muscle]." Hoppe-Seyler's Zeitschrift fur physiologische Chemie 224, (1934): 1-10. Article. 9 Images. pdf (797,968 Bytes) ocr (21,522 Bytes)
Metadata Record Annau, E., I. Banga, B. Gozsy, St. Huszak, K. Laki, F. B. Straub, and Albert Szent-Gyorgyi. "Uber die Bedeutung der Fumarsaure fur die Tierische Gewebsatmung: Einleitung, Ubersicht, Methoden [On the significance of fumaric acid for animal tissue respiration: Introduction, summary, methods]." Hoppe-Seyler's Zeitschrift fur physiologische Chemie 236, (1935): 1-20. Article. 20 Images. pdf (1,989,332 Bytes) ocr (48,077 Bytes)
Metadata Record Annau, E., I. Banga, A. Blazso, V. Bruckner, K. Laki, F. B. Straub, and Albert Szent-Gyorgyi. "Uber die Bedeutung der Fumarsaure fur die Tierische Gewebsatmung. III. Mitteilung: Einleitung, Ubersicht, Methoden [On the significance of fumaric acid for animal tissue respiration, Part III: Introduction, summary, methods]." Hoppe-Seyler's Zeitschrift fur physiologische Chemie 244, (1936): 105-116. Article. 12 Images. pdf (1,114,140 Bytes) ocr (29,760 Bytes)
Metadata Record Cox, Gerald J. "Crystallized Vitamin C and Hexuronic Acid." Science 86, 2241 (10 December 1937): 540-542. Article. 3 Images. pdf (302,172 Bytes) ocr (9,009 Bytes)
Metadata Record Szent-Gyorgyi, Albert. "The Identification of Vitamin C." Science 87, 2253 (4 March 1938): 214-215. Article. 2 Images. pdf (68,568 Bytes) ocr (1,114 Bytes)
Metadata Record Szent-Gyorgyi, Albert. "On Protoplasmic Structure and Functions (A Survey)." Enzymologia: Acta Biocatalytica 9, 2 (30 May 1940): 98-110. Article. Lecture. 16 Images. pdf (2,330,716 Bytes) ocr (50,797 Bytes)
Metadata Record Szent-Gyorgyi, Albert. "Towards a New Biochemistry?" Science 93, 2426 (27 June 1941): 609-611. Article. Lecture. 3 Images. pdf (331,375 Bytes) ocr (11,005 Bytes)
Metadata Record Szent-Gyorgyi, Albert. "Das kontraktile Element des Muskels [The contractile element of muscles]." Berichte der Deutschen Chemischen Gesellschaft 75, (1942): 1868-1870. Article. 3 Images. pdf (198,928 Bytes) ocr (5,037 Bytes)

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