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Questionnaire Modules

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  • Field(s): Investigator
  • Word(s): heineman

There were 3 Questionnaire Modules meeting your search criteria.

Topic: Household Pesticide Exposures (inside and outside)
Questionnaire Title: Nebraska Health Study II
Keywords: stomach cancer, esophageal cancer
Principal Investigator(s): M. Ward
Type of Questionnaire: Telephone Interview
Last Year of Data Collection: 1994
Short/Long Form: Short Form
Citation(s): Ward MH, Sinha R, Heineman EF, et al. Risk of adenocarcinoma of the stomach and esophagus with meat cooking method and doneness preference. Int J Cancer. 1997;71(1)14-9.
Available Formats: PDF - Word

Topic: Occupational History/ Exposures
Questionnaire Title: Study of Brain Tumors in Adults
Principal Investigator(s): P. Inskip
Type of Questionnaire: CAPI
Last Year of Data Collection: 1998
Short/Long Form: Long Form
Citation(s): Stewart PA, Stewart WF, Heineman EF, Dosemeci M, Linet M, Inskip P. A novel approach to data collection in a case-control study of cancer and occupational exposures. Int J Epidemiol 1996;25:744-52.
  Stewart PA, Stewart WF, Siemiatycki J, Heineman EF, Dosemeci M. Questionnaires for collecting detailed occupational information for community-based case-control studies. Am Ind Hyg Assoc J 1998;59:39-44
Available Formats:
    Occupational History PDF - Word
 Sample Job Modules
    1) Butcher PDF - Word
    2) Electrician PDF - Word

Topic: Water Source History
Questionnaire Title: Nebraska Health Study II
Keywords: stomach cancer, esophageal cancer
Principal Investigator(s): M. Ward
Type of Questionnaire: Telephone Interview
Last Year of Data Collection: 1994
Short/Long Form: Long Form
Citation(s): Ward MH, Sinha R, Heineman EF, et al. Risk of adenocarcinoma of the stomach and esophagus with meat cooking method and doneness preference. Int J Cancer. 1997;71(1)14-9.
Available Formats: PDF - Word