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Questionnaire Modules

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  • Field(s): Investigator
  • Word(s): farrow

There was 1 Questionnaire Module meeting your search criteria.

Topic: Use of Prescription, non-Prescription Medicines
Questionnaire Title: Study of Digestive Health (Esophagus)
Keywords: esophageal cancer
Principal Investigator(s): W.H. Chow
Type of Questionnaire: Interview
Last Year of Data Collection: 1996
Short/Long Form: Long Form
Citation(s): Vaughan TL, Farrow DC, Hansten PD, et al. Risk of esophageal and gastric adenocarcinomas in relation to use of calcium channel blockers, asthma drugs, and other medications that promote gastroesophageal reflux. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers 1998;7:749-756.
Available Formats: PDF - Word