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June 20, 2008
Stacey Farnen Bernards
(202) 225 - 3130


Leader's Report
majorityleader.house.gov · (202) 225-3130

This week, the House completed work on several major pieces of legislation, including a supplemental appropriations bill and legislation updating and modernizing our nation's intelligence surveillance laws.

The supplemental appropriations bill passed by the House on Thursday provides funding to keep our troops in the field safe.  In addition, Democrats believe it is vitally important to support the troops not only when they are abroad, but when they arrive home as well.  To that end, the supplemental contained a new GI Bill that restores full education benefits to veterans, which will foster an educated workforce that will help revitalize our economy.  The supplemental also included an extension of unemployment insurance benefits, which are desperately needed by millions of Americans who have lost their jobs in this weak economy through no fault of their own.  Disaster assistance to help those in the Midwest affected by flooding is also part of the supplemental package. 

Today the House passed the FISA Amendments Act with broad, bipartisan support.  This legislation strengthens our national security by ensuring that there is no gap in intelligence collection against terrorists, while also protecting our civil liberties by preventing the government from surveilling our citizens without a lawful warrant.  While this legislation is not perfect, it is a good compromise: it is a necessary update of original law, and is a significant improvement over earlier legislation. 

Next week, the House will consider legislation preventing the Alternative Minimum Tax from hitting millions of families this year, as well as the ADA Amendments Act, which will ensure that Americans with disabilities will be able to lead full, productive lives.  We also expect to consider several energy bills to address record high gas prices.
Sincerely yours,
Steny H. Hoyer

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Hoyer: FISA Amendments Act Strikes A Sound Balance
Today, Hoyer spoke in favor of compromise FISA legislation, noting that while it is not a perfect bill, it is a solid compromise that balances the need to protect both our national security and our civil liberties.
Read release
For more information on FISA, visit our FISA Clearinghouse

Hoyer on Supplemental
Hoyer spoke on the House Floor on Thursday in support of the Iraq supplemental appropriations bill, calling it a pragmatic, bipartisan compromise that addresses the critical needs of the American people.
Read release

Hoyer Praises Committee Action on ADA Amendments Act
Hoyer applauded the House Judiciary and Education and Labor Committees for passing the ADA Amendments Act with strong, bipartisan support.  The bill is expected on the Floor next week, and Hoyer said it will improve the ability of millions of disabled Americans to pursue active, productive lives.
Read release

Majority Leader Hoyer Chastises Senate Republicans for Voting Against “Tax Extender” Bill
After Senate Republicans blocked consideration of legislation extending important tax cuts, Hoyer reiterated his commitment that this bill will not be considered in the House unless it is fiscally responsible and its costs are offset.
Read release



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